Features of ADC Interfacing
- The ADC0809 is an 8-bit successive approximation type ADC with in an built 8-channel multiplexer.
- The ADC0809 is suitable for interfacing with the 8086 microprocessor.
- The ADC0809 is available as a 28 pin IC in DIP (Dual Inline Package).
- The ADC0809 has a total unadjusted error of ±1 LSD (Least Significant Digit).
- The ADC0808 is also same as ADC0809 except the error. The total unadjusted error in ADC0808 is ± 1/2 LSD.
The successive approximation register (SAR) performs eight iterations to determine the digital code for input value. The SAR is reset on the positive edge of START pulse and start the conversion process on the falling edge of START pulse.
A conversion process will be interrupted on receipt of a new START pulse. The End-Of-Conversion (EOC) will go low between 0 and 8 clock pulses after the positive edge of the START pulse.
The ADC can be used in continuous conversion mode by tying the EOC output to START input. In this mode, an external START pulse should be applied whenever power is switched ON. The 256R ladder network has been provided instead of conventional R/2R ladder because of its inherent monotonic, which guarantees no missing digital codes. Also the 256R resistor network does not cause load variations on the reference voltage. The comparator in ADC0809/ADC0808 is a chopper- stabilized comparator.
It converts the DC input signal into an AC signal, and amplifies the AC sign using high gain AC amplifier Then it converts AC signal to DC signal. This technique limits the drift component of the amplifier, because the drift is a DC component and it is not amplified/passed by the AC amp1ifier. This makes the ADC extremely insensitive to temperature, long term drift and input offset errors.
In ADC conversion process the input analog value is quantized and each quantized analog value will have a unique binary equivalent. The quantization step in ADC0809/ADC0808 is given by,