Fundamental of Operations Management Syllabus - BBA-BI (PU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the field of OM. It will give a survey of the main OM issues and the key concepts and tools for dealing with them. It is intended to provide a basic exposure for those who will be specializing in other business areas, and to serve as a first step for those wishing to do further studies on this topic.
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organization. Topics include operations and productivity, operations strategy, forecasting, product and process design, quality assurance, location and layout strategies, supply chain management, inventory management, operations scheduling, JIT and lean operations. The topics are integrated using a systems model of the operations of an organization.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Understand and an appreciate the production and operations management functions in any organization;
- Understand the importance of productivity and competitiveness to organizations;
- Understand the various production and operations design decisions;
- Explain the importance of product and service design decisions and how they relate to the overall strategies of organizations;
- Explain the importance of quality management practices to attain organizational effectiveness;
- Describe the roles of inventories and basics of managing inventories in various demand settings;
- Analyze the contemporary operations and manufacturing organizational approaches and supply-chain management activities.
Unit Contents
Course Contents
Unit I: Introductions to Operations Management
Operations and Productivity 5 hours
Introduction, organizing for transformation process, objectives, heritage of operations management, operations in service sector, Trends in operations management, productivity challenges, Ethics and social responsibility.
Operations Strategy 5 hours
Global view of operations, developing missions and strategies, achieving competitive advantages through operations, strategy development and implementation.
Unit II: Designing Operations
Product and Process Design 6 hours
Product selection, Generating new products, product development, issues for product design, service design, Process strategies, process analysis and design, product process matrix, service process design, capacity planning, capacity considerations, demand and capacity management in services.
Quality Assurance 7 hours
Defining quality, International quality standards, Total quality management, Tools of TQM, TQM in services, statistical process control.
Unit III: Managing Operations
Supply Chain Management 6 hours
Strategic importance, supply chain strategies, vendor selection, logistics management, measuring supply chain performance, outsourcing, risks in outsourcing, ethical issues in outsourcing.
Inventory Management 7 hours
Functions of inventory, types of inventory, inventory models for independent demand, material requirement planning, enterprise resource planning.
Operations Scheduling 6 hours
Strategic importance, scheduling issues, loading jobs, sequences jobs, scheduling services.
JIT and Lean Operations 3 hours
Just-in-Time, JIT layout, JIT inventory, JIT scheduling, JIT quality, lean operations, lean operations in services.
Text and Reference Books
Basic Text
Heizer J., Render, B. and Rajashekhar J. Operations Management. Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi.
- Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., Malhotra, M. K., and Srivastava S. K. Operations Management: Process and Supply Chain. Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi.
- Stevenson, W. Operations Management. Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi.
- Gaither, N. and Gaither, F. Operations Management. Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code MGT 104
- Semester Seventh Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary