Basics of Managerial Accounting Slides PPT - BBA (PU)
Here, you find the chapter wise slides or PPT of the Basics of Managerial Accounting and also download the all slides for free.
1. Management Accounting and Its Environment
Management Accounting and Its Environment include the following slides
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2. Basic Cost Management and Cost Behavior
Basic Cost Management and Cost Behavior include the following slides
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3. Cost-Volume Relationship
Cost-Volume Relationship include the following slides
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4. Income Recognition, Measurement and Reporting
Income Recognition, Measurement and Reporting include the following slides
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5. Accounting for Planning and Control
Accounting for Planning and Control include the following slides
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6. Alternative Decision Making Process and Pricing
Alternative Decision Making Process and Pricing include the following slides
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7. Management Control Systems and Responsibility Accounting
Management Control Systems and Responsibility Accounting include the following slides
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