Management of Human Resources Syllabus - BBA (PU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
This course serves as an introduction to Human Resources Management (HRM) and its contributions to the workplace. Today’s organization faces a variety of complex issues, such as globalization, demands for increased productivity, strategic planning and compliance with government legislation. In today’s world, “people” provide the competitive advantage, and HR policies and practices have a significant impact on the bottom line and overall performance of an organization.
Course Description
The course will examine the evolution of HR from a primarily administrative function to a strategic partner and decision maker in the organization. Among other things, the course will look at the effective management of human capital, the importance of attracting and retaining employees, managing a diverse workforce, recognizing employee rights, and legislative requirements. The course specifically deals with the concepts and issues relating to recruitment, selection, and retention practices, evaluating performance, employee development, compensation regulations, employee relations as well as related areas.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Discuss the relationship between human resource management, the organization and its internal and external environment;
- Explain the concepts and principles of HR planning, job analysis and job design and define the related terms like job description and job specification;
- Explain the recruitment and selection processes and methods;
- Explain the concept, purpose and techniques of employee training, training needs identification, management development, and career development;
- Demonstrate understanding of the performance appraisal concept and examine the techniques of measuring individual performance;
- Discuss the conceptual framework of job evaluation, compensation and rewards management and their application in organizational context;
- Explain the nature of occupational disease, health and safety programs, and responses that ensure legal compliance;
- Explain the concept of labour relations system, collective bargaining, grievance handling, disciplinary actions and industrial actions.
Unit Contents
Course Contents
Unit I: Human Resources Management: Concept and Context 5 hours
The concept of HRM; Functions of HRM; Changing dimensions of HRM; Changing role and challenges of HRM managers; Essential skills for HR managers; Purpose and structure of HR department; HRM as a shared function; External and internal context of HRM; HRM in the Nepalese context.
Unit II: Human Resources Planning and Recruitment 8 hours
Job requirements - the role and importance of jobs; Relationship of job requirements to HRM functions; Job analysis and Job design – concepts, methods and outcomes; Human resources planning – importance, purpose and major elements of HR planning; HR inventory; Replacement and succession planning; Recruiting from within and outside the organization; Recruitment of protected classes; Electronic recruitment; Selection process; Matching people and jobs; Sources of information about job candidates; Employment interview; Employment tests; Reaching a selection decision; Issues of gender in recruitment and selection; Induction and placement.
Unit III: Training and Career Development 8 hours
Training as a system; Training as a tool for developing work culture; Designing training programs; Training needs assessment – concept and methods; Training non-managerial employees; Training managers and supervisors; Training methods; Psychological principles of learning; Evaluation of training programs; Career development - phases and objectives of career development; Management development techniques; Emerging concepts of HRD – leadership development, talent management, empowerment, mentoring; HRD practices in Nepalese organizations - career management and employee retention issues.
Unit IV: Performance Appraisal 4 hours
Concept, process and benefits of performance appraisal; Performance appraisal methods; Appraisal interviews; Factors affecting performance appraisal; PA practices in Nepalese organizations; Improving employee performance; Counseling employees with problems.
Unit V: Compensation Management 6 hours
Concept, process, methods of employee compensation; Job evaluation systems – concept and methods; Compensation structure and components; Employee benefits – incentive system, gain sharing, employee benefits and services, types of employee benefit; Incentives for management employees; Governmental regulations of compensation in Nepal – minimum wages, welfare and incentive provisions, retirement benefits; Issues in compensation management in Nepal.
Unit VI: Safety and Health at Work 3 hours
Legal requirements for safety and health; Accidents; Occupational diseases and other health issues; Sexual harassment at work; Drug and alcohol related problems; Creating a safe and healthy work environment; Emerging concepts and issues in OHS.
Unit VII: Industrial Relations and Disciplinary System 9 hours
Disciplinary policies and procedures; Types of disciplinary actions; Grievance handling methods and mechanisms; Methods of reducing complaints; Industrial relations system – concept, process and issues; Trade unions - structures, functions, and leadership; Trade union issues in Nepal; Industrial disputes – nature and types; Government regulations of labor relations; Collective bargaining process and contract administration; Trends and issues in collective bargaining in Nepal.
Text and Reference Books
Basic Texts
- DeCenzo, D. A. and Robbins, S. P. Fundamentals of Human Resources Management. Wiley India, New Delhi.
- Dessler, G. and Verkkey, B. Human Resource Management. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
- Gilmore, S. and Williams, S. Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Halder, U. K. and Sarkar, J. Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Ivancevich, J. M. Human Resource Management. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
- Adhikari, D. R. Human Resource Management. Buddha Publications, Kathmandu.
- Acharya, B. S. Introduction to Human Resource Management: Text, Cases and Applications. Asmita Books, Kathmandu.
- Agrawal, G. R. Human Resource Management. K. K. Publications, Kathmandu.
- Jyothi, P. and Venkatesh, D. N. Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code MGT 314
- Semester Fifth Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary