Sales Management Syllabus - BBA (PU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives

It aims to build students' understanding of the sales functions and develop skills in management of sales force. Students are expected to perform the sales supervision and management job. 

Course Description

This course focuses on two aspects of the sales job – personal selling and sales force management. The course deals on personal selling approaches and strategies, management of the sales force, and management of the sales team

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Comprehensively understand the nature, process, and strategies of personal selling.
  • Perform basic sales management functions including sales organization, establishment of sales territories and quota, and human resource management functions related to sales force.

Unit Contents

Course Contents

Unit I: Personal Selling                                                                                             6 hours

Meaning, nature, and objectives of personal selling. Salesmanship – essential requirements. Traditional and modern selling approaches. Types of selling (industrial, trade, and services). Selling ethics.

Unit II: Selling Approaches and Strategies                                                 6 hours

Selling approaches – AIDA, situation-response theory, buying formula, behavioral equation, need-satisfaction, consultative selling, customer relationship-based selling, problem solving, and team selling approaches.

Unit III: The Selling Process                                                                        8 hours

Basic steps of the sales process, Prospecting: objectives and sources, Pre-approach: techniques

Approach: customer’s need discovery techniques, Sales presentation: scope and methods

Objection handling: skills for handling customer’s objections, Closing: timing and methods of sales closing, Follow-up: importance and methods

Unit IV: Management of Sales Force Functions                                                     8 hours

Sales force management: concept and components. Tasks and qualities of a sales manager.

Sales organization: Types of sales structure, Organizational principles and designs. Factors influencing size of sales force. Emerging sales organizational designs.

Sales territory: Concept and importance, size, allocation of territories and territory shapes.

Sales quota: Concept and importance, principles and procedures for quota setting, types of sales quota, quota setting methods.

Unit V: Recruitment, Selection and Training of Sales Force                                 8 hours

 Hiring process, planning for recruitment (analysis, turnover, job analysis, job qualification and job description), Sources for recruitment, Selection process. Sales training: process and methods. Sales force socialization.


Unit VI: Sales Force Motivation and Compensation                                               6 hours

Factors influencing sales force motivation. Motivational program design. Motivation tools. Objectives and characteristics of an effective compensation plan. Types of compensation plan.

Unit VII: Sales Force Evaluation and Control                                                         6 hours

Performance appraisal process: appraisal criteria, performance rating, and conducting appraisal.

Criteria for performance evaluation. Methods of controlling sales force performance.

Text and Reference Books

Basic Text

Still, Richard, Edward Cundiff and Norman Govoni, Sales Management, Prentice Hall of India.


  1. Mallik, Proadip Kumar, Sales Management, Oxford University Press.
  2. Chunawalla, S.A., Sales Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MKT 443
  • Semester Sixth Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary