Fares and Ticketing Syllabus - BBA-TT (PU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives

The students at the end of this course will be able to refer air schedules, tariff and other major travel/tourism related documents; Suggest and prepare simple travel itinerary; read write and act on passenger ticket.

Course Description

This course basically deals with the importance of knowledge on Fares and Ticketing to airline and travel agency, with emphasis on international organizations like IATA and ICAO. In addition it focuses on importance and functioning of airports and its facilities. It also covers different manuals such as OAG, TIM for air travel and fare construction and ticketing. Lastly the course covers familiarization of Software’s used in airline ticketing process. 

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • understand the basic of fares and ticketing
  • use reservation system and software applied in airline industry (AMADEUS)
  • construct travel itinerary and determine fare for airline ticket
  • familiar with frontier formalities in air travel industry and facilities available in airport
  • distinguish different types of baggage allowance and baggage rules as per the class of ticket


Unit Contents

Course Contents

Unit I

Introduction                                                                                                               1 hours

Importance of knowledge on “Fares & Ticketing” to airline and travel agency management.

Unit II

Civil Aviation                                                                                                              2  hours

History of Civil Aviation, Major events in the world context, Major events in the Nepalese context

Unit III

Introduction to the Travel Industry and its functioning:                                          5 hours

Organizational structure of Travel Industry, Introduction to the roles and functions of following International organizations in Travel Industry; IATA, ICAO, UFTAA, Relationship between airlines and travel agents, (business relation in terms of selling airline documents), Importance of knowledge on “Fares & Ticketing” to airline and travel agency management.

Unit IV                                                                                                                       

Airport                                                                                                                           5 hours

Airport and its facilities, Introduction to airport and its facilities, Introduction to passenger’s airport formalities, Departure formalities, Transfer formalities, Arrival formalities

Unit V

Aircraft                                                                                                                         1 hour

Types of aircraft, Classification of aircraft on the basis of, Range, Body structure, Engine, Speed,

 Wing (Rotary and fixed)

Unit VI

Operational Level: Sales Desk Dealing and Manual Reference                              9 hours

Travel Information; Identification of need of Travel Information; Source/Reference of Information; Familiarization of OAG (Official Airline Guide), Familiarization of TIM (TIMATIC practical exhibition with ABACUS/AMADEUS), Itinerary designing; Meaning of Travel (direct and indirect) based on travel industry, Definition of travel itinerary, Process of itinerary designing, Sources of information for itinerary designing, Definition of ticketed points in an itinerary: Origin, Destination, Turnaround, Transfer, Stopover, Assembly point; Minimum Connecting Time: Definition, Sources, Definition/explanation of terms used in Minimum         Connecting Time Information, Application of Minimum Connecting Time, how and when; Travel Planning: meaning of Travel Planning, sources of Travel Planning; International Time Calculation: Needs of time calculation, Calculation of time difference using GMT, Calculation of local time using GMT, Calculation of actual flying hours using GMT.

Practical                                                                                                                        7 hours     

Computerized Reservation System (CRS) or Global Distribution System (GDS)

Familiarization of Software's used in Airline Ticketing Process-

ABACUS, AMADEUS (Sign-in, Sign-out, Seat Availability, Seat Sell, PNR Creation, Retrieve PNR, Cancel segment, Other Service Information (OSI) & Special Service Required (SSR), Cancel Itinerary

Unit VII                                                                                 

Some important travel terms                                                                                       2 hours

Travel terms: Explanation of some important and commonly used terms in Fares & Ticketing; Adult, Child, Infant; Normal fare, Special fare; PTA, Endorsement, Rerouting; Baggage, Baggage Check, Baggage Checked, Baggage Excess, Carrier, Carriage, Charter, Deportee, Inadmissible, Gateway, No Show, Tour Conductor, Traffic Document.

 Unit VIII

Passenger Ticket & Baggage Check                                                                          7 hours

Passenger Ticket & Baggage Check: Definition of Passenger Ticket & Baggage Check, Passenger Ticket & Baggage Check- in general, Composition of ticket coupons and its purposes, Numbering of airline issued Passenger Ticket & Baggage Check,  Usage of coupons in ticket, Way of ticketing (general)

Unit IX

Basics of Fare Construction and Ticketing - Normal                                              9 hours

Familiarization of tariff manuals Passenger Air Tariff (PAT), Transitional Automated Ticket (TAT), Tickets and ticketing Definition and its purpose of use, Introduction to spacing rule for fare calculation area; Introduction to IATA neutral Standard Traffic Documents (STDs) for BSP (Bank and Settlement Plan), Baggage and Baggage Rules, Credit Cards, Tax Fees and Charges, Charging and collecting procedures, Discounts; Child/ Infant/ Tour Conductor.

Text and Reference Books

Basic Texts

IATA, Official Airline Guide (OAG) Part one, Netherlands.

IATA and SITA, Passenger Air Tariff, General Rules Book.

IATA, Travel Information Manual (TIM), Netherlands.

IATA, Ticketing Handbook, Neitherlands.


Seth, Pran Nath and Bhat, Sushma,  An Introduction to Travel and Tourism, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Limited.

Foster, Dennis L. An Introduction to Travel and Tourism, Second Ed., Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book.

Shrestha, Maheswor Bhakta. Nepalese Aviation & Tourism, Pramila R Shrestha, Kathmandu.

Sethi, Praveen. Strategies for the future of Travel and Tourism, New Delhi: Rajat Publication.



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  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code FAT 206
  • Semester Fourth Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary