Introduction to Management Information System Syllabus - BBA-TT (PU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
The course will introduce students to get a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on why information systems are so important today for business and management, evaluate the role of the major types of information systems in a business environment and their relationship to each other, assess the impact of the Internet and Internet technology on business electronic commerce and electronic business.
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to information systems for business and management. It is designed to familiarize students with organizational and managerial foundations of systems, the technical foundation for understanding information systems, the role of information systems in enhancing business processes and management decision making across the enterprise, and the process of building and managing systems in organizations. The course will focus on topics such as Internet and Internet technology, the Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce, the Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure, the Enterprise Applications. The course will provide students with information systems knowledge that is essential for creating successful and competitive firms.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- understand the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of management information systems;
- have the knowledge of the different types of management information systems;
- understand the processes of developing and implementing information systems;
- understand the role of information systems in organizations, the strategic management processes, and the implications for the management;
- develop an understanding of how various information systems work together to accomplish the information objectives of an organization;
- learn about the importance of managing organizational change associated with information systems implementation.
Unit Contents
Course Contents
Unit 1: Computer System 6 hours
Introduction to computer technology, Computer System Concepts, Types of Computer Systems, Computer System Concepts, Memory (Primary Storage, Secondary Storage, Cache), CPU- Central Processing Unit, Hardware (Input Devices, Output Devices), Software and its Classification, Types of Computer System.
Unit 2: Foundation of Information System 11hours
Data, Data processing, Information, Information System, Characteristics of Information System, Need of Information Systems in Business, Fundamental Resources of Information System, Potential Risks of Information System, Types of Information System (TPS, MIS, DSS, ESS) Definition, Objectives of MIS, Characteristics, Applications of MIS, Benefits and Limitations of MIS, Approaches of MIS Development, Implementations of MIS, Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and its Stages, Success and Failure of MIS.
Unit 3: Telecommunication and Network 5 hours
Networking the Enterprise, The Concept of a Network, The Business Value of Telecommunications Networks, Types of Telecommunications Networks, Telecommunications Media, Network Topologies, Trends in Telecommunications.
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS 12 hours
Fundamental Data Concepts, Database structures, Database Development
Types of Databases, Technical Foundation of Database Management, Data warehouses and Data Mining, Decision Support in Business, Decision Structures, Decision Support Trends
Decision Support Systems, Online Analytical Processing, Using Decision Support Systems.
Practical: Microsoft Access, Database Design, Creating New Database, Setting up Tables, Form and Report Design.
Unit 5: Business Applications 8 hours
E-business systems, Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, Trends in CRM, Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Planning ERP Benefits and Challenges of ERP, Trends in ERP Supply Chain Management SCM, Roles of SCM, Benefits and Challenges of SCM, Trends in SCM, E-commerce Systems
E-Commerce and its scope, Essential e-Commerce Processes, Electronic Payment Processes
Unit 6: Functional Applications of Hospitality Information System 6 hours
Introduction to Hospitality Information System, Characteristics of Hospitality Information System, Computer Reservation System (CRS), Global Distribution System (GDS), Property Management Systems (PMS), Point of Sales Systems (POS)
Text and Reference Books
O’Brien, J. A, Marakas, G. M. Management Information Systems (10th Edition) McGraw Hill, New Work: 2011
Kenneth, C. L. Jane P. L Management Information Systems (12th Edition) Pearson Education, New Jersey 2010
Tesone, D. F. Hospitality Information System & E-commerce John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey 2006
- Short Name N/A
- Course code MIS 201
- Semester Fifth Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary