View and download full syllabus of TOURISM POLICY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
Course Description
Course objectives
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the basic concepts of tourism planning for public and private sector community and regional tourism development, with an emphasis on ecotourism and nature-based tourism. It is to explore the interrelationships between resource management and tourism planning and development.
Course Description
The subject emphasized on tourism planning at International, national, regional, state and local level. It is centric towards understanding of the key tourism planning and management.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- understand the interrelationships between resource management and tourism planning and development.
- develop an understanding of the basic concepts of tourism planning for public and private sector community and regional tourism development
Unit Contents
Course Content
Unit 1: The Purpose of Tourism Planning 5 hours
The Concept of Planning, Tourism Defined, The Planners, Goals for Development, Tourism Planning Scales
Unit 2: Tourism as a System 7 hours
The Tourism System, Demand-Supply Match, Demand, Components of Supply, Attractiveness, Services, Transportation, Information, Promotion, External Factors
Unit 3: Policy 4 hours
Public Policy, Private Sector Policy
Unit 4: Regional Planning Concepts 8 hours
Regional Tourism Planning Concepts, A Basic Tourism Planning Concept, A planning Process, PASOLP, Market-Plant Match, Spatial Patterns, Discovery of Tourism Potential, National Planning Policy, WTO Guide for Planners, A competitive Position Concept
Unit 5: Destination Planning Concepts 4 hours
Destination Defined, The Imperative of Place, Destination Planning Issues, Destination Planning Guides, Destination Zone Planning Model
Unit 6: The key players in tourism planning and management 6 hours
The key planners in tourism planning and management: The tourist, the host community, Government Agencies, the tourism industry, other players. Case study: How the media can create a tourist attraction.
Unit 8: Visitor management 6 hours
Meaning and importance of Visitor management, Key perspectives on visitor management, Case study - Visitor management in Kakadu Park, Case study - Visitor management at Stonehenge
Unit 9: Tools and Techniques in Tourism Planning and Management 8 hours
Education as a technique in tourism planning and management: Interpretation, The role of the tour guide and interpretation, Case study - Keeper talk at Wellington Zoo. Self-regulation as a technique in tourism planning and management: Key perspectives, Codes of Conduct in Tourism. Information technology and tourism planning and management: Key perspectives, Case study - GIS and community aspects of tourism in New Zealand
Text and Reference Books
Text Books:
- Clare A. Gunn and Turgut Var (2002). Tourism Planning: Basics, Concept, Cases (Fourth Edition). New York: Routledge.
- Peter Mason (2003). Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Inskeep, Edward (1987), Comprehensive National and Regional Tourism Planning, WTO
- Mill, Robert Christie and Alastair Morrison (1985), The Tourism System: An Introductory Text, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
- David L. Edgell, Sr., Maria DelMastro Allen, Ginger Smith and Jason R. Swanson (2008). Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code TDP 307.3
- Semester Eighth Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary