Business Research Methods Syllabus - BBA (TU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
This course is an introduction on how to do business research with an emphasis on applied problem solving and report writing. The objective of this course is therefore to provide knowledge and understanding of basic principles of business research methods.
Course Description
The course has a preliminary focus on problem identification, theoretical framework development and hypothesis formulation. The course will then deal with research design issues, measurement, sampling, data collection and analysis. This encompasses the overall understanding and application of appropriate research techniques and research statistics, and report writing and presentation skills.
Unit Contents
Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction LH 8
Meaning of research; Scientific research-features,; Types of research; The scientific research process; Approaches to research; Paradigm shifts-positivist vs. Interpretive philosophies; Management research-concept, nature, and value in business decision making; applying scientific thinking to management problems; Ethical concerns in research.
Unit 2: Literature searching and Theoretical Framework LH 6
Concept, purposes and steps in literature survey; Literature search through the Internet; Theoretical framework ; Theory and research; Approaches-deduction and induction; Research problem; Research questions and hypothesis formulation.
Unit 3: Research Design LH 5
Concept; Types-descriptive, developmental, case studies, causal-comparative, and experimental; Qualitative research-concept, assumptions and features.
Unit 4: Measurement, Scaling and Sampling LH 7
Variables and their measurement; Nature of measurement; Scale construction for attitude measurement; Scales commonly used in business research; Validity and reliability of measurement; Sources of measurement problems; The sampling process; Types of samples -probability and non-probability sampling; Sampling and non- sampling errors.
Unit 5: Data Collection and Analysis LH 12
Types of data and their sources-secondary data, advantages and disadvantages of using secondary data; Primary data-sources and methods; Questionnaires-design, components and principles of questionnaire writing; The research interviews-face-to-face and telephone interviews, computer assisted interviewing; Observation-concept and methods;
Data analysis – organizing and preparing data; Presenting data in tables, graphs and charts; Statistical techniques – descriptive and inferential statistics; Statistical testing of hypothesis; Methods of collecting and analyzing qualitative data.
Unit 6: Research Proposal and Report Writing LH 10
Topic selection; Research proposal – purpose, types and structure; Writing research reports -the reporting process, procedure for writing, and style of writing; Typing and layout of the research report; Citations and references by using APA format; Essentials of a good research report.
Text and Reference Books
Basic Books
William G. Zikmund. Business Research Methods. Thomson India. New Delhi.
Prem R. Pant. Fundamentals of Business Research Methods. Buddha Academic Enterprises. Kathmandu.
Reference Books
Alan Bryman and Emma Bell. Business Research Methods. Oxford University Press. New Delhi.
Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler, and J. K. Sharma. Business Research Methods.
McGraw Hill Education (India). New Delhi.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code RCH 201
- Semester Sixth Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary