Management Information System Syllabus - BBA (TU)

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Course Description

Course Objective

The main objective of this course is to equip students with the new tools and techniques of management information system with a view familiarize them to the state-of-the-art-technology and its applications in managing information.

Course Description

This course contains Information Systems in Global Business Today, Global e-business and Collaboration, Information Systems, Organizations and Strategy, Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems, Information Technology Infrastructure, Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management, Securing Information Systems, Building Information Systems.

Unit Contents

Course Details

Unit 1: Information Systems in Global Business Today : LH 7

Opening Case: The New Yankee Stadium Looks to the Future

The Role of Information Systems in Business Today, New in management information system, Globalizatioin Challenges and Opportunities. A Flattened World

The Emerging Digital Firm, Strategic Business Objectives of Information Systems Dimensions of Information Systems

Interactive Session: Technology UPS competes Globally with information Technology

A business Perspective on Information Systems; complementary assets: Organizational capital and the eright business model

Hands-on MIS projects

Management Decision Problems; Improvinig Decision Making; Using Databases to analyze Sales Trends;

Case Study: What’s the Buzz on Smart Grids?

Unit 2 : Global e-business and Collaboration  : LH 7

Opening Case: America’s Cup 2010: USA wins with information technology

Business Processes and Information Systems; business processes; Business improvement with information technology

Types of Business information systems; systems for different management Groups; systems for linking the enterprise

Interactive session: Organizations Domino’s Sizzles witih Pizza Tracker

System for Collaboration and teamwork

Interactive session: Management: Virtual meetinigs: Smart Management

The information systems function in business; the information systems department; organizing the information systems function

Hands-on MIS project

Management decision problems; improving decision making: Using a spreadsheet to select suppliers; Achieving operational excellence: Using Internet Software to Plan Efficient Transportation Routes

Systems from a functional perspective: IT enables collaboration and teamwork; challenges of usiing business information systems; organizing theh information systems function

Unit 3 : Information Systems, Organizations and Strategy : LH 7

Opening Case: Verizon or AT&T – which company has the best digital strategy? Organizations and Information systems

How Information Systems impact organizations and business firms; economic impacts; organizational and behavioral impacts; the Internet and organizations; implications for the design and understanding of information systems

Using information systems to achieve competitive advantage; Porter' Competitive Forces Model; Informationi system Strategies for dealing wiith competitive forces; the Internet’s impact on competitive advantage

Interactive Session: Organizations How much do credit card companies Know About You? The Business value chain model

Using systems for competitive advantage: Management Issues; sustaining competitive advantage; Aligning IT with business objectives; Managing Strategic Transitions

Hands-on MIS Projects; Management Decision Problems; Improving Decision makinig: Using a database to clarify business strategy; improvinig decision making: Using web tools to configur and price an automobile

Unit 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems : LH 4

Openinig Cases: Behavioral Targeting and Your Privacy: You’re the Target

Understanding Ethical and Social issues related to systems

A model for thinking about ethical, social and political issues; five moral dimensions of the information age; key technology trends that raise ethical issues

Interactive session: Organizations The Perils of Texting Interactive session: Technology Too much technology Hands-on MIS Probjects

Unit 5: Information Technology Infrastructure : LH 6

IT infrastructure and emerginig technologies

Opening case: BART Speeds Up with a new IT infrastructure

IT infrastructure; Defining IT infrastructure; evolution of IT infrastructure; Technology Drivers of infrastructure evolution

Infrastructure components; computer hardware platforms; operating system platforms; enterprise software applications

Interactive session: technology New on the eTouch

Data Management and storage; networking/ telecommunications platforms; Internet Platforms; Consulting and System integration services

Interactive session: Organizations Is Green Computing Good for business? Hands-on MIS project

Unit 6: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management  : LH 4

Opening Case: RR Donnelly Tries to Master its data

Organizing Data in a traditional file environment; file organization concepts; problems with the traditional file environment

The database approach to data management: Database Management Systems; capabilities of database Management systems; designing database

Using databases to improve business performance and decision making; data warehouses; tools for business intelligence: Multidimensional data analysis and data mining

Interactive session: Technology: What can businesses learn from text mininig? Hands-on MIS projects

Unit 7: Securing Information Systems  : LH 5

Opening Case: You’re on Facebook? Watch Out

System vulnerability and abuse: vulnerability; malicious softwares; hackers and computer crime; Internal Threats: employees;

Business value of security and control; legal and regulatory requirements for electronic records management; electronic evidence and computer forensics

Establishing a framework for security and control; information systems controls; risk assessment; security policy; disaster recovery planning and business continuity planning; the role of auditing Hand-n MIS projects

Unit 8 : Building Information Systems  : LH 8

Opening Case: CIMB Group Redesigns Its Account Opening Process Systems as Planned Organizational Change

Systems Development and Organizational Change • Business Process


Overview of Systems Development

Interactive Session: Organizations Can Business Process Management Make a Difference? Systems Analysis • Systems Design • Completing the Systems Development Process • Modeling and Designing Systems: Structured and Object-Oriented Methodologies

Alternative Systems-Building Approaches

Traditional Systems Life Cycle • Prototyping • End-User Development • Application Software Packages and Outsourcing

Interactive Session: Technology Zimbra Zooms Ahead with OneView Application Development for the Digital Firm

Rapid Application Development (RAD) • Component-Based Development and Web Services Hands-on MIS Projects

Text and Reference Books

Text Book

  • Laudon, Laudon, “Management Information Systems Managing the Digital Firm”, twelfth edition
Download Syllabus
  • Short Name MIS
  • Course code ITC 203
  • Semester Third Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary