Microeconomics Syllabus - BBA (TU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
This module aims to develop students' understanding of the microeconomic concepts and theories in order to enhance their skill in analyzing business opportunities, market and risks.
Microeconomics: concepts and uses. Theory of demand and supply: demand function, change in quantity demanded and change in demand, supply function: change in quantity supplied and change in supply, elasticity of demand and supply – concepts, degrees and measurements. Utility Analysis: cardinal vs ordinal utility and indifference curve analysis. Theory of production: Production function, laws of production. Cost and revenue curves. Pricing: Price and output determination under perfect competition, monopoly and monopolistic competition, concept of oligopoly. Factor pricing: rent (modern theory of rent) wages (marginal productivity theory), interest (loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory) and profit (dynamic theory and innovation theory).
Unit Contents
Detailed Course
Unit 1: Introduction to Microeconomics LH 3
Meaning, Scope, Types, Uses
Unit 2: Theory of Demand and Supply LH 6
Demand function
- Meaning and types
- Movement along a demand curve and shifts in demand curve Supply Function
- Meaning and types
- Movement along a supply curve and shifts in supply curve Concept of Elasticity of demand and supply
- Price elasticity of demand: degrees, measurement (percentage, total outlay, point and arc methods), uses in business decision making.
- Income elasticity of demand: degrees, measurement (percentage, arc and point methods)
- Cross elasticity of demand: types, measurement (percentage and arc methods)
- Price elasticity of supply: degrees, measurement (percentage, point and arc methods)
Measurement of elasticity
Unit 3: Theory of Consumer's Behaviour LH 8
Cardinal vs ordinal utility Indifference curve analysis
- Meaning, assumptions and properties
- Principle of MRS
- Consumer's equilibrium
- Price effect – derivation of PCC and demand curves for normal goods (substitutes and complements)
- Income effect – derivation of ICC and Engel curves for normal goods and inferior goods
- Substitution effect – Hicksian approach
- Decomposition of price effect into income and substitution effects – Hicksian approach
- Applications – tax and subsidy, income leisure choice of workers
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 4: Theory of Production LH 7
Concept of total, average and marginal product
Production function – meaning, types (short run and long run production function, Cobb-Douglas production function.
Law of variable proportions (explanation of three stages of production with reasons) Isoquants
- Meaning, assumptions and properties
- Principle of marginal rate of technical substitution
- Optimal employment of two inputs (or least cost combination of two inputs) Laws of returns to scale
- Explanation with table and diagram (using IQ)
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 5: Cost and Revenue Curves LH 8
Cost function
Various concepts of costs: opportunity cost, explicit and implicit costs, accounting and economic costs Short run costs
- Behaviour of short run total costs
- Behaviour of average and marginal cost curves
- Relation between AC and MC, TVC and MC and AC and AFC and AVC Long run costs
- Meaning
- Derivation of U-shaped and L-shaped LAC with reasons Revenue
- Revenue under perfect competition
- Revenue under imperfect competition
- Relationship of Revenues (TR, AR and MR) with price elasticity of demand
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 6: Theory of Product Pricing LH 10
Profit maximisation and equilibrium of a firm
- TR-TC approach (table and diagram)
- MR-MC approach (table and diagram)
Equilibrium price and output determination under perfect competition
- Meaning and characteristics
- Derivation of short run supply curve of a firm
- Short run equilibrium (firm and industry)
- Long run equilibrium (firm and industry) Equilibrium price and output determination under monopoly
- Meaning and characteristics
- Short run equilibrium
- Long run equilibrium
- Meaning and conditions of price discrimination
- Degrees of price discrimination
- Equilibrium of firm under third degree discrimination
Equilibrium price and output determination under monopolistic competition
- Meaning and characteristics
- Short run equilibrium
- Long run equilibrium of a firm Oligopoly
- Meaning and characteristics
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 7: Theory of Factor Pricing LH 6
- Concept of economic rent and its determination: modern theory of rent.
- Marginal productivity theory of wages
- Loanable funds theory of interest
- Liquidity preference theory of interest
- Dynamic theory of profits
- Innovation theory of profits
Computations and Numerical assignments
Text and Reference Books
Ahuja, H.C. Advanced Economic Theory – Micro Economic Analysis, New Delhi – S. Chand (Latest ed.)
Browning and Browning (1994), Microeconomic Theory and Applications, New Delhi, Kalyani
Case, Karl E. and Ray C. Fair, (2002), Principles of Economics, Singapore, Pearson Education Dwibedi DN (2003), Microeconomics Theory and Applications, Delhi, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd. Dwibedi DN (2010), Microeconomics Theory and Practice, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill.
Koutsoyianis, A (1979), Modern Microeconomics, London, Macmillan
McConnell CR and S. Brue, (2002), Economics : Principles, Problems and Policies, New York, McGraw Hill.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code ECO 201
- Semester First Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary