Principles of Management Syllabus - BBS (TU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives

This course aims to impart the basic management knowledge and skills to the students so as to enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field. The course provides a comprehensive knowledge to students about organization and help them understand the major functions, principles, and techniques of management.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand what management is and why it is important
  • Have developed a working knowledge of fundamental terminology and frameworks in the functions of management
  • Be able to identify and apply appropriate management techniques for managing contemporary organizations
  • Have an understanding of the skills, abilities, and tools needed to obtain a job on a management track in an organization of their
  • Understand the changes in theories about how managers should behave to motivate and control employees

Course Description

This course contains the Nature of Organizations, Introduction to Management, Management History and Current Thinking, Environmental Context of Management, Planning and Decision Making, Fundamentals of Organizing, Leadership and Motivation, Fundamentals of Influencing and Communication, Control and Quality Management, Managing in Global Arena, Management Trends and Scenario in Nepal.

Unit Contents

Course Details

Unit 1: The Nature of Organizations                                                                                             15 Hrs.

Concept of organization; Organizational goals: concept, purposes, and types; Features of effective organizational goals; Goal formulation: processes and approaches; Goal succession and displacement; Problems of goal formulation; Changing perspectives of organization.

Unit 2: Introduction to Management                                                             10 Hrs.

Management: definition, characteristics, functions, principles; Managerial hierarchy; Types of managers; Managerial skills and roles; Management Careers; Emerging challenges for management.

Unit 3: Management: History and Current Thinking                                        15Hrs.

Classical Theory: introduction, contribution and limitation; Human relations and Behavioral science theories; System Theory; Decision Theory; Management Science Theory; Contingency Theory; Emerging Management Concepts: workforce diversity, outsourcing, knowledge management, learning organization.

Unit 4: Environmental Context of Management                                                   16Hrs.

Concept of Business Environment; Types of Business Environment: internal and external. Basic Components of External Environment: economic, socio – cultural, political, and technological; Environmental Scanning: concept and methods; SWOT analysis; Social Responsibility of Business: concept and approaches; Areas of Social Responsibility. Business Ethics: meaning and significance; Emerging Business Environment in Nepal.

Unit 5: Planning and Making Decisions                                                           20Hrs.

Planning: concept, types, process and importance; Elements of Decision Situation; Strategic Planning: fundamentals of strategic planning; Tactical Planning: comparing and coordinating strategic and tactical planning; The Planning and Levels of Management; Decision Making: definition and approaches, conditions of certainty and uncertainty. Management by Objectives (MBO): factors necessary for a successful MBO program; Decision Making: meaning, types and process; Group Decision Making: advantages and process.

Unit 6: Fundamentals of Organizing                                                                     18Hrs

Organizing: concept, principles and process; Approaches to Organizing: classical, behavioral, contingency. Departmentalization: meaning and types; Delegation of Authority: meaning, steps, obstacles; Eliminating Obstacles to the Delegation Process; Centralization and Decentralization: meaning, advantages and disadvantages; Concept of Organic and Mechanistic Views of Organization;

Organization Architectures: vertical differentiation (tall versus flat hierarchies), horizontal differentiation (functional structure, multidivisional structure, geographic structure, and matrix structure); Modern Organizational Structures: team, network and 360 degree structure.

Unit 7: Leadership and Motivation                                                                    22 Hrs.

Leadership: Concept, functions, styles; Approaches to Leadership: trait, behavioral, and situational;     Leadership Today: transformational, coaching, entrepreneurial leadership; Leadership Situations and Decisions; Team Management; Conflict: meaning and types; Managing Conflicts in Organization; Motivation: concept and process; Theories of Motivation: need hierarchy and motivation-hygiene; Strategies for Motivating Employees;

Unit 9: Fundamental of Influencing and Communication                                   8 Hrs.

Influencing: concept and fundamentals; Influencing people; Influencing subsystem; Communication: concept, structure, and process; Types of Communication: formal and informal, Interpersonal and nonverbal communication in organization; Barriers to Effective Communication; Enhancing Effective Communication.

Unit 10: Control and Quality Management                                                           11Hrs

Control Systems: concept, process, types, and characteristics of effective control system; Potential   Barriers   to      Successful   Controlling;   Quality Control Systems; Total Quality Management (TQM): concept and tools; Deming Management: principles and techniques; The Quality Improvement Process;

Unit 11: Managing in the Global Arena                                                      8Hrs

Globalization: concept, effects; Fundamentals of International Management; Multinational Companies: meaning, types, advantages, and disadvantages; Digital dimensioning and Planning, Organizing, Influencing, and Controlling.

Unit 12: Management Trends and Scenario in Nepal                                                           7Hrs

Growth of Business Sector in Nepal; Major Industries in Nepal: manufacturing, export oriented, import substitution, and service sector; Existing Management Practices and Business Culture in Nepalese Organization; Major Problems of Businesses in Nepal.

Text and Reference Books

Suggested Reading:

Griffin, Ricky W., Management, AITBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi. Samuel C. Certo, Modern Management, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi

Charles W.L. Hill and Steven L. McShane, Principles of Management, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Company, New Delhi

Robins, Stephen P. and Coulter, Mary, Management, Prentice Hall of India.

James, Stoner, AF, Freeman, Edward, R. and Gillbert, R., Jr. Daniel, Management¸Pearson, India. Pant, P.R., Principles of Management, Buddha Publication Pvt. Ltd., Nepal

Chalise, M. and Gautam, P. K., Principles of Management, KEC Publication and Distribution Pvt.

Ltd., Nepal

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  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MGT 213
  • Semester First Year
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 35
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary