MIS and E-Business Syllabus - BCA (TU)

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Course Description

Course Description

This course provides the fundamental knowledge of Management Information System and F.-Business and its associated infrastructure, security and protection issues, payment system and ultimately live implementation of any web application in Web server.

Course Objectives:

The general objectives of this course is to know fundamental knowledge of  MIS/E-Business and implement the web application in Web Server.

Unit Contents

1. Introduction to E-Commerce   : 7 hrs

Definitions and Concepts; Defining E-Business; Pure Versus  Partial EC;EC Framework, Classification of EC; Benefits of E-Commerce; Electronic Markets; Role of Internet  and Web in E-Commerce; The Limitations and Barriers of EC; Social Networks and Social Network Services; M-Commerce: Concept, Scope, Attributes, Benefits; Location-based 1-commerce, 1-Commerce Infrastructure, Location-Based Services and Applications.

2. The Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce    : 8 hrs

The Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce: Introduction to Information Superhighway (I-Way), Components of the I-Way, Internet as a network infrastructure. Wireless Application Protocol: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP); Architecture of WAP; Working of WAP; Wireless Technologies: ADSL, WiMAX, WLAN, WMAN Wi-Fi, UMTS (3G), LTE (4G), (5G NR). Security Issues related to Wireless Communications.

3. Introduction to Management Information System    : 8 hrs

Data, information, computer based information system (CBIS), Information System Resources, Management information system, Transaction processing (TPS) system, decision support system (DSS), and executive information system (EIS), SCM, CRMS and International Systems: Introduction, Supply Chain Management Systems, Customer Relationships Management Systems, enterprise systems and Challenges of Enterprise Systems Implementations- Managing the implementation, International Information Systems-Outsourcing and off-shoring.

4. E-Commerce Security and Fraud Issues and Protection  : 10 hrs

Basic Ec Security Terminology, The Threats, Attacks, and Attackers, EC Security Requirements: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability, Authentication, Authorization and Nonrepudiation; Technical Malware attack: Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses, Heartbleed, Distributed Denial of Service, Cryptblocker, Page hijacking, Botnets, Malvertising, ransom ware, sniffing, Non-Technical malware attack: Social Phising, Pharming, Identity Theft and Identify Fraud, Spam attacks; EC defense Strategy: access control(Authorization and Authentication, Biometric Systems), encryption and PKI (Symmetric Key Encryption, Asymmetric Key Encryption, Certificate Authority(CA), Secure Socket Layer(SSL). Securing e-commerce networks: Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS), intrusion prevention System(IPS).

5. E-payment systems  : 6 hrs

Online payment cards (credit cards, charge cards, debit cards, smart cards), processing cards in online, credit card payment procedure, e-micropayments, e-checking and its processing in online. Automated clearing house (ACH) network, mobile payments (Digital wallet), mobile payment participants and issues, international payments, emerging EC payment systems and issues: crypto currency, virtual currency. A case study of emerging trends in online payment system in Nepal.

6. Launching a Successful EC Website  : 10 hrs

Planning Online Businesses (Business Plan, The cost-benefit, risk elements of a business case, funding a New Online Business, EC Model selection), The process of building a website, basic hierarchical website structure, website hosting and obtaining a domain name (cPanel management, upload EC site to the web Server), web content creation and management: (Web content, Categories and Types of Content, Content Management and Maintenance, Catalog Content and its Management), Website design criteria, Site Map and Navigation, Web page layout grid, Colors and Graphics, Website Usability, Performance, Website Promotion, implementation of Payments system, Website Promotion, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Laboratory Works:                                                                                   

Laboratory works should be done covering all the topics listed above and a project work should be carried out by individually implementing a fully functioning e-commerce web application along with payment system.

Text and Reference Books

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  • Short Name MIS
  • Course code CACS301
  • Semester Fifth Semester
  • Full Marks 60 + 20 + 20
  • Pass Marks 24 + 8 + 8
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary