Object Oriented Programming in Java Syllabus - BCA (TU)

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Course Description

Course Description

This course covers preliminary concepts of object-oriented approach in programming with basic skills using Java. Control structures, Classes, methods and argument passing and iteration; graphical user interface basics Programming and documentation style.

Course Objectives 

The general objectives of this course are to provide fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming and make students familiar with Java environment and its applications.

Unit Contents

1. Introduction to Java : 2 hrs

Definition, History of Java, The Internet and Java's Place of IT, Applications and Applets, Java Virtual Machine, Byte Code-not an Executable code, Procedure Oriented vs. Object-Oriented Programming, Compiling and Running a Simple Program, Setting up your Computer for Java Environment, Writing a program, Compiling, Interpreting and Running the Program, Handling Common Errors. 

2. Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures : 5 hrs

Primitive Data Types: Integers, Floating-Point types, Characters, Booleans; User Defined Data Types, Declarations, Constants, Identifiers, Literals, Type Conversion and Casting, Variables: Variable Definition and Assignment, Default Variable Initializations;  Command-Line Arguments, Arrays of Primitive Data Types, Comment Syntax, Garbage Collection, Expressions, Using Operators: Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Conditional, Shift, Ternary, Auto-increment and Auto-decrement, Using Control Statements(Branching: if, switch; Looping: while, do-while, for; Jumping statements: break, continue and return)

3. Object Oriented Programming Concepts : 9 hrs

Fundamentals of Classes: A  Simple Class, Creating Class Instances, Adding methods to  a class, Calling Functions/Methods, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Using 'this' Keyword, Constructors, Default constructors, More on methods: Passing by Value,by Reference, Access Control, Methods that Return Values, Polymorphism and Method Overloading, Recursion; Nested and Inner Classes

4. Inheritance & Packaging : 3 hrs

Inheritance: Using 'extends' keyword, Subclasses and Superclasses, 'super' keyword usage. Overriding Methods, Dynamic Method Dispatch; The Object class, Abstract and Final Classes, Package: Access Control; Interfaces: Defining an Interface, Implementing and applying interfaces.

5. Handling Error / Exceptions : 2 hrs

Basic Exceptions, Proper use of exceptions, User defined Exceptions, Catching Exception: try, catch; Throwing and re-throwing: throw, throws; Cleaning up using the finally clause.

6. Handling Strings  : 2 hrs

Creation, Concatenation and Conversion of a String, Changing Case, Character Extraction, String Comparision, Searching Strings, Modifying Strings, String Buffer.

7. Threads : 7 hrs

Create/Instantiate/Start New Threads: Extending java.lang.Thread, Implementingbjava.lang.Runnable Interface; Understand Thread Execution, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Inter-Thread Communication, Deadlock.

8. I/O and Streams : 2 hrs

java.io package, Files and directories, Streams and Character Streams; Reading/Writing Console Input/Output, Reading and Writing files, The Serialization Interface, Serialization & Deserialization.

9. Understanding Core Packages : 3 hrs

Using java.lang Package: java.lang.Math, Wrapper classes and associated methods (Number, Double, Float; Integer, Byte; Short, Long; Character, Boolean); Using java.util package: Core classes (Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hashtable, Enumerations, Random Number Generation).

10. Holding Collection of Data : 3 hrs

Arrays And Collection Classes/Interfaces, Map/List/Set Implementations: Map Interface, List Interface, Set Interface, Collection Classes: Array List, Linked List, Hash Set and Tree Set, Accessing Collections/Use of An Iterator, Comparator.

11. Java Applications : 8 hrs

About AWT & Swing, About JFrame (a top level window in Swing), Swing components (JLabel, About text component like JTextField, JButton, Event Handling in Swing Applications, Layout Management using FlowLayout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, Using JPanel, Choice components like JCheck Box, JRadio Button, Borders components, JCombo Box & its events, JList & its events with MVC patterns, Key & Mouse Event Handling, Menus in swing, JText Area, Dialog boxes in swing, JTable for Displaying Data in Tabular form, MDI using JDesktop Pane & JInternal Frame, Using IDE like Netbeans, JBuilder for building java applications using Drag & Drop), Adapter classes.

12. Introduction to Java Applets : 1 hrs

Definition, Applet lifecycle methods, Build a simple applet, Using Applet Viewer, Adding Controls: Animation Concepts.

13. Database Programming using JDBC : 2 hrs

Using Connection, Statement & Result Set Interfaces for Manipulating Data with the Databases.

Laboratory Works 

Laboratory works should be done covering all the topics listed above and a small project work should be carried out using the concept learnt in this course. Project should be assigned on Individual Basis.

Text and Reference Books

Text Books

  1. Deitel & Dietel. “Java: How to program”. 9th Edition. Pearson Education. 2011, ISBN9780273754768 – McGraw-Hill 2006. ISn:; 0072263857

Reference Books 

  1. Bruce Eckel, “Thinking in Java”, 4 Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006, ISBN: 013-187248-6
  2. Cay Horstmann and Grazy Cornell, “Core Java Volume 1-Fundamentals”, Ninth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012, ISBN: 978-0137081899
  3. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming with Java: A Primer”, Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, India,
Download Syllabus
  • Short Name OOP Java
  • Course code CACS204
  • Semester Third Semester
  • Full Marks 60 + 20 + 20
  • Pass Marks 24 + 8 + 8
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary