English II Syllabus - BCIS (PU)

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Course Description

Course Description

The second semester English course is built on the first semester course and aims at developing students’ language proficiency along similar lines. This course comprises all aspects of the English language including speaking, pronunciation, listening, reading and writing. The focus is on improving the students to communicate clearly and effectively. The syllabus for the lessons is based on the course books, but the teacher will also use lots of other materials, including suggestions from students so the content of the class can be more useful and interesting. Students are expected to participate as much as possible, but they will work individually, in pairs and groups as well as the whole class. The teacher will correct their spoken and written errors so that they become more accurate and they will progress quickly.

General Course Objectives

The general objectives of the course will be to enable students to

  • extend their vocabulary
  • increase their fluency
  • become more accurate
  • communicate in English more easily
  • understand more of the world around them

Specific Course Objectives

The specific objectives of the course will be to enable students to

  • make themselves understood in short turns
  • respond to questions and take part in simple conversation
  • link ideas together in a simple way
  • read and enjoy longer texts and write about them
  • understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters
  • deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling
  • produce connected texts on familiar topics
  • describe experiences and events, plans, hopes and ambitions
  • give brief reasons and explanations for opinions and plans
  • have enough language to get by in everyday situations
  • express themselves reasonably accurately
  • initiate and deal with familiar everyday interactions
  • link ideas into connected linear sequences
  • read and write on general topics on different themes

Unit Contents

Content Areas

The content will include a selection of rich interdisciplinary texts of general academic interest and business texts of various genres. The key areas are as follows: personal identification; house and home, environment; daily life; free time, entertainment; weather; travel; relations with other people; health and body care; education; shopping; food and drink; services; places; cultures; science; environment; language; and literature.

Teaching Method

The suggested teaching method is an eclectic mix of lectures, demonstrations, presentations, activities, and seminars. The specific methods for specific units are as suggested for teachers in the course books and teacher manual. Question models will be developed during the teacher orientation program and made available to the campuses.  

Text and Reference Books

Basic Texts

  1. Grant, D., & Hudson, J. Business Result: Pre-intermediate Student’s Book. Oxford: OUP, 2009. (including Pre-intermediate Interactive Workbook with video)
  2. Nisani, M., &Lohani, S. Adventures in English Vol II.(3rd). Kathmandu: Ekta 2013. (including Sounds of English and Stories and Poems cassettes)


  1. Bartram, M. Business Result: Pre-intermediate. Teacher’s Book. Oxford: OUP, 2009.
  2. (including Pre-intermediate Class DVD and Pre-intermediate Teacher training DVD)
  3. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Eighth Edition. Oxford: OUP, 2010.
  4. Carter, R., & McCarthy, M. Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge: CUP, 2006.
Download Syllabus
  • Short Name ENG
  • Course code ENG 102
  • Semester Second Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary