Internet Technology (Web Programming) Syllabus - BCIS (PU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives

This course is designed so that students can interact with the real world programming beyond just the theoretical knowledge. This course will help students to create web applications. The main objective of this course is to meet the current market need for a web developer.

Course Descriptions

We cover some fundamental of web environment, how it is designed and how an actual application is created. This course covers all the creating as well as debugging and implementing it in the real world. This course deals with some latest technology in web programming like HTML 5 / CSS 3 etc. The important factors that are the issues in real life like browser compatibility, security implementation of XML are covered in this syllabus. Web application uses framework and object oriented programming in a real scenario which is also covered in the syllabus. This will really help students to meet the criteria that the market needs from a technical student.

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • design web sites
  • understand the real world programming need
  • debug the fault that appears in the code.
  • create user friendly environment.
  • create browser compatible web applications.
  • solve a problem, i.e. the course is planned in such a way that instructors do not fix the problem but teach students how to fix it.

Unit Contents

Course Contents

1. Web Environment            2 hours

Introduction, History, Client Server Architecture, Web Site Design

2. HTML/CSS               4 hours

Review of HTML Tags (formatting, links, images, table, forms, frames etc.), Getting started with HTML5, CSS 3, Responsive design, and Browser compatibility

3. Introduction to XML and XHTML           3 hours


4. Client Side Scripting            8 hours

Java Script: Introduction, Operator, Control, DOM, Array, Object, Smart Form, Class and objects, jQuery: Using jQuery, element finder, events and animations.

5. Server Side Scripting (Basic)             7 hours

PHP: Setup/Getting started, Operators, Control, Array, Function, String operations, Math functions, Using Regx, Exception handling

6. Server Side Advance             8 hour

Class and objects, inheritance, polymorphism, Session, Database Connectivity, CRUD Operation, working with files, garbage collection, Magic quotes, send receive emails, Introduction to CMS

7. Security Considerations             5 hours

Principle of Cryptography, Authentication, Encryption/Decryption, Digital Certificates, Digital signature, Secure Socket Layer, VPN

8. Electronic Payment        2 hours

Electronic Cash, Credit Card Processing, Electronic Check Processing, Gift and Prepaid Certificates, Payer Authentication, Smart Authorization

9. Legal Issues          2 hours

On-Line Contract Law, Consumer Transaction, Digital Copyright, Taxation

10. PHP Framework       6 hours

    1. MVC Model
    2. Getting Started with PHP Framework

Note: Students should create a project as a mendatory requirement for the completion of this subject. The project should use HTML5, CSS3, JS, XSL, PHP and MySql.

Laboratory Work

  1. Creating a simple static web site with 4 pages, using HTML5 and CSS3.
  2. Creating a form with all the elements and validating it using client side scripting.
  3. Creating jQuery Slider and image gallery
  4. Use jQuery date picker and sort
  5. Create Login form and authorize it also use sessions
  6. Create a form to upload images using php
  7. Create a form to add data to database
  8. Create a form to implement CRUD operations
  9. Note: Each of the above lab sessions should cover more than 4 hours of practical work.

Text and Reference Books

Basic Text

  1. Ivan Bayross Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, JavaScript, DHTML and PHP 4th edition Bpb Publications 


  1. Niederst, Jennifer. Web design in a Nutshell  O’Reilly (
  2. Kenneth C, Laudon, Carol Guercio.  Traver, E-commerce Business, Technology and Society  Prentice Hall; 9 edition New Delhi
Download Syllabus
  • Short Name Web
  • Course code CMP 265
  • Semester Fourth Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary