Cultural Resources of Tourism in Nepal Syllabus - BHM (TU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives

This course is designed to make student familiar with the various cultural resources of tourism in Nepal and make them able to understand the nature, importance and dimension of cultural heritages of Nepal and its touristic values.

Course Description

The course consists of tourism perspective, introduction to the Nepalese society and culture, concept of heritage and cultural tourism, and cultural resources of Nepal.

Unit Contents

Course Details

Unit 1: Tourism Perspective                                                                                                                                         LH 10

Tourism and Tourist- concept and classification, Benefits and costs of tourism, Tourist Motivation and Decision making, Components of Tourism- '4As' components, Tourist profile- socio-economic and behavioral characteristics of tourist.

Unit 2: Introduction to the society and culture of Nepal                                                                                                                             LH 8

Nepalese Society and social structure, Concept and characteristics of society and Culture, Ethnic and Socio-cultural diversity in Nepal.

Unit 3: Concept of heritage and Cultural Tourism                                                                                                                             LH 10

Meaning and concept of heritage, definition of cultural heritage by World Heritage Convention, meaning and definition of heritage tourism & tourist, The benefits of heritage and cultural tourism, Planning for Heritage and Cultural Tourism, Heritage Tourism & Tourists (Motives and Typology), Tourism and authenticity.

Unit 4: Cultural Resources of Nepal                                                                                                                                         LH 10

Historical and Cultural resources of Nepal, UNESCO cultural World heritage sites of Nepal, Glory of cultural heritages, Tourism development and cultural resources conservation, Cultural resources of Nepal- Art and Architectures, Monuments and Buildings, Pilgrimage sites, Museums of Nepal, Future of Cultural tourism in Nepal.

Unit 5: Cultural Tourism Resources of Nepal                                                                                                                                  LH 10

General overview of tourism geography of Nepal, Mountain Region: People and Culture: Societies and Ethnicity, Music, Festivals, Food Habits and Culture, Dances, Folklores.

Hill Region and Kathmandu Valley: People and Culture:      Societies and Ethnicity, Music, Festivals, Food Habits and Culture, Dances, Folklores.

Tarai Region: People and Culture: Societies and Ethnicity, Music, Festivals, Food Habits and Culture, Dances, Folklores.

Text and Reference Books

Reference Books

Alister, M.,Tourism: Economic, Physical, and Social Impacts, Minnesota: Longman

Amatya, S. Cultural Tourism of Nepal, Kathmandu: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation.

Amatya, S., Archeological and Cultural Heritages of Kathmandu Valley, Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.

Anderson, M. M. ,The Festivals of Nepal. New Delhi: Rupa & Co.

Dahal, D., 'Social Compositon of the Population Caste/Ethnicity and Religion in Nepal, in Population Monograph, Kathmandu: Central Bureu of Statistics,Kathmandu: 2012

Diwas, T, Bandhu, C. M. & Nepal, B, The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Nepal: Future Directions, 2007, UNESCO office Kathmandu.

Kunwar, R.R. Tourists and Tourism, Science and Industry Interface, Kathmandu: Ganga Sen (Kunwar ). Modern Printing Press

NTB/Nepal, Tourism Products of Nepal.

Satyal, Y.R, Nepal, An Exotic Tourist Destination, New Delhi: Adroit Publisher. Satyal, Y.R., Pilgrimage Tourism in Nepal, New Delhi: Adroit Publisher.

Vaidya, T.R.. Manandhar, T.R, & Joshi, S. L. Social History of Nepal, New Delhi: Anmol Publications

Woodward, D. &, Tourism Handbook, Richmond: Virginia Department of Historic Resources

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  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code BHM 450
  • Semester Eighth Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Elective