Food and Beverage Service –I Syllabus - BHM (TU)

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Course Description

Course Objective:

This course aims to make students understand both the theoretical knowledge and practical skill of food and beverage service operation in hotel and catering industry.

Course Description:

This course presents the overview of catering industry, Hotel and its types, various departments of food and beverage service department of hotel, duties and responsibilities of various staff working in F&B service department, Menu knowledge and its types, hygiene knowledge required for Food service personnel, dining Etiquettes, Different terms and terminologies used in service department.

Unit Contents

Course Details

Unit 1: Catering and Hotel Industry                                                          LH 8

Introduction and Classification of Catering Industry, Primary Catering Establishment, Secondary Catering Establishment, Introduction to hotel Industry, Classification of Hotel Industry.

Unit 2: Food and Beverage Service Department                                                            LH 4

Introduction of F&B service Department, Various outlets of F&B service Department and their Functions. Ancillary Departments; Stillroom, Silver or Plate room, Wash-up section, Hot plate, Linen store

Unit 3: Food and Beverage Organization                                                   LH 8

Organization chart of Food and Beverage service Department of Hotel, Duties and responsibilities of F & B staff; F&B manager, Assistant F & B Manager, Outlet Manager, Supervisors, Waiter/ess, Apprentice, Interdepartmental Relationships; Front office, Housekeeping, Food production department, Personal department

Unit 4: Identification of Service Equipments                                             LH 4

Furniture; Chairs, Tables, Side Board, Trolley

Linens; Moulton, Table Cloth, Slip Cloth, Serviette, Waiters Cloth Tablewares; Cutleries, Crockeries, Glasswares, Hallowares

Unit 5: Competencies of Service personnel                                                                    LH 8

Grooming, Personal Hygiene and Sanitation, Dining Etiquettes; Do’s and Don’ts, Team Work, Attitude, Discipline, Courtesy.

Unit 6: Menu and Its Types                                                                        LH 6

Introduction, Definition, Origin and Types of Menu, Courses of a Classical French Menu

Unit 7: Food & Beverage Terminologies                                                  LH 6

F&B service Terms

Unit 8: Table Laying                                                                                  LH 2

Rules of Laying Table, A La Carte, Table D’hote

Unit 9: Methods of service                                                                      LH 2

American, English, French, Russian


Unit 10: Demonstration + Practical                                                        LH32

Still room/Pantry works (Demonstration) Mise-en-scène, Mise-en-place and Briefing

Restaurant Mise en scène, Mise en place (Demonstration + Practical) Service sequence of pre-plated (Demonstration + Practical)

Service of pre plated (8 continental menus)

Text and Reference Books


Singaravelavan, R. Food and Beverage Service. New Delhi:     Oxford University Press Publication.

Lillicrap, D. & Cousins, J. Food & Beverage Service. London: ELBS Publishers. Andrews, S. Food & Beverage Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

Magris, M. & McCreery. Introduction to Food & Beverage Services. Cathy.

Cichy, R. & Philip Hickey. Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations. New York: AH&LA.

Ninemeier, J. D. Management of Food and Beverage Operations. New York: AH&LA.

Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code BHM 311
  • Semester First Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary