Statistics Syllabus - BHM (TU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to develop competency and ability to use statistical techniques and tools in hospitality and tourism data management and various research projects.

Course description

This course provides students with basic statistical concepts and techniques that are used in hotel management. It focuses on the application of statistics in hospitality and tourism data analysis and interpretation using different software. The course highlights: Basic Concept of statistics, Classification and presentation, Descriptive statistics, measure of dispersion, basics of probability and sampling techniques, tourism statistics and time series analysis of tourism statistics.

Unit Contents

Course Details

Unit 1: Introduction                                                                                                                                             LH 5

Basic concepts of statistics, Terminologies associated with statistics such as populations and samples, Variables (Categorical and Quantitative Variable), Types and sources of data, Descriptive and inferential statistics, Data processing (Editing and Coding), Applications of statistics in hotel management.

Unit 2: Data Classification and Presentation                                                                                                                                   LH 8

Summarizing the categorical and quantitative data, Frequency distribution, Relative and percentage frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency distribution, Diagrammatic and graphic presentation: Bar charts, Pie charts, Histograms, Scatter plots, Ogive, Cross tabulation, Stem and leaf display.

Project Work: Diagrammatic and graphical representation tourism data by means of computer software.

Unit 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures                                                                                                                                   LH 12

Measure of Location: Mean, Median, Mode, Partition values: Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles Selection of measure of location.

Measure of Dispersion: Range, Inter quartile Range, Quartile Deviation, Standard deviation, Variance, Coefficient of variation,

Shape of the Distribution: Shape of the distribution by using Mean and Median, Five number summary, Box and whisker plot.

Project Work: Descriptive statistics and numerical measures of tourism and hospitality data by using computer software

Unit 4: Introduction to Probability                                                                                                                                               LH 3

Basics of Probability: Experiment, Event, Types of events

Probability Laws: Simple Additive and multiplicative law

Unit 5: Sampling Technique                                                                `                                                                                               LH 5

Census and sampling, Types of sampling: Probability and Non Probability Sampling, determination of sample size, Acceptance sampling; Meaning, importance and types of quality management.

Unit 6: Tourism Statistics                                                                                                                                             LH 10

Definition of international and domestic tourist movement. Collection of data on tourist arrival, Departure and tourist expenditure, Presentation and tabulation of travel statistics. Tourism indicators measurement of Nepal.

Time Series Analysis of Tourism Statistics: Introduction, Components of times series, Measurement of trend: Graphical curve fitting method, Method of moving average and method of least square. Seasonal variation: method of simple average.

Unit 7: Simple Correlation and Regression                                                                                                                                              LH 5

Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson correlation coefficient, Simple regression analysis.


Text and Reference Books

Reference Books

Dennis J. S, Thomas A.W &Anderson, D. R.Fundamentals of Business Statistics, New Delhi: Cengage Learning

Gupta, S. C, Fundamentals of Statistics: Mimbai: Himalayan Publishing House.

Tourism Statistics of Nepal 2013 and latest publication, Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation Planning & Evaluation Division Statistical Section

Joshi, P. R, Thagurathi, R. & Uprety, P .Business Statistics: Kathmandu: Buddha Academic Enterprises Pvt, Ltd, Nepal

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  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code STT 311
  • Semester Fifth Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary