Computers Information System (CIS) Syllabus - BIM (TU)
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Course Description
Module Objectives
This module aims to introduce students to the basics of computer and its use and application in real world situations. Students are expected to learn to use the MS Office for word processing, spreadsheet, graphic presentation, and Internet. Laboratory work is essential in this module.
Introduction to computer system, Programming Language, Computer System development, Multimedia, Network and Communication, Introduction to the Internet, Data Processing and Database, Artificial Intelligence, Computer crime and safety measures.
Unit Contents
Detailed Course
Unit 1: Introduction to computer System LH 13
- Introduction to computer
- Characteristics of computer
- Word Length
- Speed
- Storage
- Accuracy
- Diligence
- Types Of computer
- Laptop
- Desktop
- Palmtop
- Use of Computer
- Input output device
- Input device
- Keyboard and its use
- Mouse and its use
- Micro phone
- Output Device
- CRT and its use
- LCD and its use
- Plasma and its use
- Printer
- Impact
- Dot Matrix
- Non-Impact
- Ink-jet printer
- Laser Printer
- Impact
- Input device
- Speakers
- CPU(CU, ALU and Registers)
- Bus and its type
- Storage
- Primary
- Cache Memory
- RAM and its type
- ROM and its type
- Auxiliary
- Magnetic Tape
- Hard Disk
- Pen Drive
- Memory Card
- Optical Disk
- CD
- Magneto-optical (MO) drives
- Software
- Introduction
- System Software
- OS
- Introduction
- Features
- Utility Software
- Device Driver
- Anti virus
- Application Software
- Word Processer
- Spread Sheet
- Presentation Tool
- OS
- Primary
Unit 2: Programming Language LH 6
- Machine language and assembly language
- High-level and low-level language
- Assemblers, Compilers and Interpreter
- Problem – Solving and programming
- Algorithms
- Flow Charts
- Three Basic Operations (sequence, selection, iteration)
- Procedures and programs
- Structured Programming
- Features
- Advantages
- Features
- Advantages
- Scripting Language
- Introduction
- Client side scripting
- Server side scripting
Unit 3: Computer system Development LH 4
- Investigation
- Analysis
- Design
- Implementation
- Documentation
Unit 4: Multimedia LH 2
- What is multimedia?
- Uses of multimedia
- Image Quality
- Image File Format (TIF, JPEG, GIF)
- Animation
- Audio
Unit 5: Network and Communication LH 4
- Overview of Network
- Types of Transmission (Data communication and voice communication)
- Network topologies (Ring, Bus, Star)
- Communication media
- Guided
- Twisted pair cable
- Coaxial cable
- Guided
- Optical Fiber
- Unguided
- Microwave System
- Communication Satellites
- Types of Network
- Network Protocol
Unit 6: Introduction to the Internet LH 4
- IP Address and Domain Name System (DNS)
- Client-Server Architecture
- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Electronic Mail (Email)
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- Remote Login (TELNET)
- Static and Dynamic web pages
- Search Engines
Unit 7: Data Processing and Database LH 5
- Data Processing
- Introduction to Data processing
- File Processing
- Sequential File processing
- Direct-access file processing
- Database
- Introduction to database
- E-R diagram (Symbols)
- Relation Database
- Primary Key
- Foreign Key
- Data Mining
- Introduction To data mining
- Uses of Data Mining
- Data warehouse
- Introduction to data warehouse
- Use of data warehouse
Unit 8: Artificial Intelligence LH 3
- Introduction
- Application
- Neural Networks
- Genetic Algorithms
- Expert System
Unit 9: Computer Crime and Safety Measure LH 4
- Computer Crime
- Software Piracy
- Anti Piracy
- Computer Virus, Worm, Spyware
- Ethical Issues in Computer
- Cyber
- Network Security
- Firewall
- Data and message security
- Encryption and Decryption
Text and Reference Books
Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton’s, Tata McGraw-Hill Data Mining, Pieter Adriaans, Dolft Zantinge, Pearson Education Foundations of IT--------- Atul Kahate------------------------------------- Tata mcGrawhill
- Short Name N/A
- Course code ITC 211
- Semester First Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary