Principles of Management Syllabus - BIM (TU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
This module aims to impart the basic management knowledge, and skills to the students so as to enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field.
Concepts and functions of management. Management perspective. Planning: meaning, classification, steps and tools. Planning premises. Decision making: meaning, types, conditions and process. Organizing: meaning, process, principles, and architecture. Authority and responsibility. Centralization, delegation and decentralization. Staffing. Emerging issues in organizing. Leading: meaning, qualities and styles. Individual differences and psychological contract. Introduction to groups. Concept of managerial ethics. Motivation: concept and techniques. Communication: meaning, process, types and barriers. Controlling: meaning, process and techniques. Quality. Organizational change and development and Operation and technology management. .
Unit Contents
Detailed Course
Unit 1: Introduction LH 4
Management: concepts, meaning, essence, levels and functions. Types of managers. Managerial roles and skills. Becoming a manager: role of education, experience and situation. Business environment and society-external environment, corporate social responsibility, ethics, corporate governance and ethical standards.
Unit 2: Perspectives in Management LH 8
Early development. Classical Perspective: scientific management, administrative management and bureaucracy. Behavioral Perspective: Hawthorne studies, human relations movement, and emergence of organizational behavior. Quantitative Perspective: management science and operations management. Integrating perspectives: systems and contingency perspectives. Emerging management issues and challenges.
Unit 3: Planning LH 7
Meaning. Levels of Planning: Strategic, Tactical and operational. Steps in Planning. Tools for planning. Planning premises. Pitfalls of planning. Improving planning. Decision Making: meaning, types and process. Decision making conditions – certainty, risk and uncertainty. Practical excercises on taking decisions including decision making using indicators.
Unit 4: Organizing LH 8
Meaning, process and principles of organizing. Organization Architecture: vertical differentiation – tall versus flat hierarchies, horizontal differentiation – functional structure, multidivisional structure, geographic structure, and matrix structure. Responsibility: establishing task and reporting relationships, creating accountability. Authority: line authority and staff authority. Delegation of authority. Centralization, Decentralization and Devolution: meaning, reasons, advantages and disadvantages. Emerging issues in organization design. Staffing: concept and importance.
Unit 5: Leading LH 7
Meaning and qualities of leadership. Understanding Individual differences and psychological contract. Concept and types of groups. Leadership Styles: autocratic, democratic, and participative. Concept of managerial ethics. Motivation: concept, importance, and techniques. Communication: meaning, process, and networks. Concept of active listening. Types of communication, Barriers to effective communication.
Unit 6: Controlling LH 10
Meaning, purpose, Process and types of controls. Essentials of effective control systems. Control tools and techniques. Quality: Concept and importance. Total Quality Management: concept, components, principles, tools and techniques. Emerging issues in quality management. Production and operation management, supply chain management, Kaizen, six sigma, The Japanese 5S practice, Technology management, Management information system and IT.
Unit 7: Organizational Change and Development LH 4
Nature, forces, paradigm shifts and areas (structure,technology, business process and behaviors) of organizational change. Resistance to change. Overcoming resistance to change. Concept of Organizational Development, OD intervention
Addendum: At least one case will be administered at the end of each chapter. The students will also complete a project work and a few other assignments as specified by the faculty member.
Text and Reference Books
Adhikari, Dev Raj. Principles of Management, Sunrise Publication, Kathmandu.
Charles W.L. Hill and Steven L. McShane, Principles of Management, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Company, New Delhi.
Griffin, Ricky W., Management. AITBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
Hitt, M.A., J.S. Black and Porter, L.W., Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Pant, Prem Raj, Principles of Management, Buddha Academic Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Paudyal, Santosh Raj, Pradhan, Gopal Man and Bhandari, Kedar P. (2064), Principles of Management,
Asmita Publication, Kathmandu.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code MGT 201
- Semester First Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary