Structured Programming Syllabus - BIM (TU)
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Course Description
Module Objectives
This module aims to introduce students to the discipline of computing with a focus on good program design, programming styles, and structured program development using a high-level programming language. The students shall also be introduced to the basic concepts in procedural abstraction, structured programming and top-down design with stepwise refinement. Laboratory work is essential in this module.
Introduction to the C Language, Data Types and Variables, Input/Output Management, Expressions and operators, Selection statements, Loops, Arrays, Modular Programming with Functions, Pointers and Strings, Structures and Dynamic Memory Allocation, The Preprocessor, and File Input/Output
Unit Contents
Detailed Course
Introduction to the C Language [3hrs]
- The C Language and its Advantages
- The Structure of a C Program, Writing C Programs, Debugging a C Program
- Examining and Running a C Application Program
Data Types and Variables [3hrs]
- Data Types (integer, floating, character, type conversion, type definitions, sizeof operator)
Input/Output Management [3hrs]
- Input/Output Management: printf(), scanf()
- Conversion specifiers
- Escape sequences
Expressions and operators [5hrs]
- Arithmetic operators: operator precedence and associativity
- Assignment operators
- Increment and decrement operators
- Expression evaluation
- Expression statements
- Relational operator, logical operator, arithmetic assignment,
Selection statements [4hrs]
- Logical expressions
- If statement
- Switch statement
Loops [4hrs]
- While
- .while
- For
- Exiting from a loop (break, continue, goto)
Arrays [3hrs]
- One-dimensional array
- Multidimensional array
Modular Programming with Functions [4hrs]
- Defining and calling functions
- Function declarations
- Arguments
- Return statement
- Program termination (exit function)
Pointers and Strings [4hrs]
- Pointer variables
- The address and indirection operators
- Pointer assignment
- Pointer as argument
- Pointer as return values
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Using pointers for array processing
- String literals, variables
- Reading and writing strings
- Using the C string library: strcpy, strlen, strcat, strcmp
- Arrays of strings
Structures and Dynamic Memory Allocation [4hrs]
- Structures, Arrays of Structures
- Passing Structures to Functions
- Nested Structures
- Unions
- enumerations
- Dynamic Memory Allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc)
- Deallocating storage
- Linked list (-> operator, creating, displaying, searching)
The Preprocessor [4hrs]
- How the preprocessor works
- The C Preprocessor and the #include and #define Directives
- Macro definitions (simple, parameterized macros), general properties of macros
- #if and #endif directives
- The defined operator
File Input/Output [4hrs]
- Streams: file pointers, standard streams and redirection, text files versus binary files
- File operations: opening a file, modes, closing a file, attaching a file to an open stream, obtaining file names from the command line
- File Input and Output, reading/writing data, structure to files, random access
Text and Reference Books
Text Book:
- N. King, K.N. King, C Programming: A Modern Approach, W W Norton & Co Inc (February 1996)
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie ,C Programming Language, 2nd Edition Prentice Hall; 2 edition (April 1, 1988)
Reference book:
- David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths, Head First C, O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (April 19, 2012)
- Clovis L. Tondo (Author), Scott E. Gimpel (Author), “The C Answer Book: Solutions to the Exercises in 'The C Programming Language,' Second Edition”, Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (November 11, 1988)
- Peter van der Linden, Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets, Prentice Hall; 1st edition (June 24, 1994)
- Short Name N/A
- Course code IT 213
- Semester Second Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary