Database Administrator 

A database administrator (DBA) is a specialized computer systems administrator who maintains a  successful database environment by directing or performing all related activities to keep the data secure.  

The top responsibility of a DBA is to maintain data integrity. This means the DBA will ensure that data is  secure from unauthorized access but is available to users. 

DBA is responsible for backing up systems in case of power outages or other disasters. A DBA is also  frequently involved in tasks related to training employees in database management and use, designing,  implementing, and maintaining the database system and establishing policies and procedures related to  the organization's data management policy. 

Why DBA IS Popular?

  • Data is essential for the operation of any organization.
  • Database are created to organize these data.
  • Better the design and utility of database, the better is the  organization.
  • For a better database, we need a skilled database administrator  to manage data properly.

Responsibilities of Database Administrator 

  • DBA defines data security, schemas, forms, reports, relationships and user  privileges. 
  • DBA has responsibility to install. Monitor and upgrade database server. 
  • DBA provides different facilities for data retrieving and making reports as  required. 
  • DBA has responsibility to maintain database security, backup-recovery  strategy, and documentation of data recovery. 
  • DBA supervises all the activities in the system: addition, modification and  deletion data from the database. 

Primary Roles of Database Administrator 

  • Database design
  • Database accessibility
  • Performance issues
  • Capacity issues
  • Data replication
  • Table Maintenance

Skills Required for Database Administrator 

  • Knowledge of Structured Query Language.
  • Database designing.
  • Understanding of distributed computing architectures.
  • Knowledge of underlying operating system e.g. Windows Server 2003, Solaris, etc.
  • Knowledge about the RDBMS itself e.g. Microsoft SQL  Server, Oracle, etc.
  • Ready to face challenges and solve them quickly.