Here are the Difference between common carrier and private carrier

Common Carrier Vs Private Carrier

Common Carrier

  1. To carry goods of other for money is the regular business of common carrier.
  2. Common carrier should carry goods of all the people without discrimination.
  3. No discrimination of the rate of carriage.
  4. Carriage through customary route.
  5. Common carrier carries only goods and no passengers.
  6. A common carrier is governed by the Carriers Act, 1865 of India.
  7. A common carrier is always non gratuitous. It carries goods only for money. It is regular business of carrier to carry goods on hire.

Private Carrier

  1. Carrying goods for others is not the regular business of private carrier.
  2. A private carrier can make discrimination in carrying goods of the consignors.
  3. Discrimination in carriage.
  4. Carriage through different route.
  5. Private carrier may carry either goods or passengers.
  6. A private carrier is governed by the Contact Act and not by the Carrier's Act.
  7.  A private carrier may be either gratuitous or non gratuitous as the case may be.