The differences between condition and warranty are as below:




1. A condition is a stipulation, which is essential to the main purpose of the contract. It is valuable.

1. A warranty is a stipulation which is collateral or auxiliary to the main purpose of the contract.

2. The aggrieved party can repudiate the contract of sale of goods.

2. The aggrieved party can claim damage for the loss only.

3. Breach of conditions may be treated as a breach of contract.

3. Breach of warranty may not be treated as a breach of contract.

4. There are more liabilities for the parties created by the conditions of contract.

4. There are fewer liabilities for the parties created by the warranty of contract.

5. In repudiation of the contract, the aggrieved party should be discharged from his liability.

5. In repudiation of the contract, the aggrieved party can not be discharged from his liability without fulfilling the obligations.