Factors of social change
Social change has many causes. In a world linked by sophisticated communication and transportation technology, change in one place often sets off change elsewhere.
Cultural Factors
The cultural factors play a very important role in bringing about social change. Our social life depends upon our beliefs, ideas, values, customs, conventions, institutions etc.(Invention, Discovery, Diffusion)
Economic factors
The economic factors constitute an important factor of social change. Karl Marx said that the entire social structure of a country is determined by economic factors.( Productions, Consumption, distribution and exchange)
Natural/ Environmental factors
Natural forces and factors play an important role in unifying disintegrating the society. Natural calamities likes floods, earthquakes, famines and others natural disasters always force change in the social condition and life of the affected people.
Biological Factors
Biological factors also affect social change. Biological factors are those factors which determine the structure, selection, and hereditary qualities of generations.
Demographic Factors
The demographic factors always influence the process and nature of social change. Demographic factors have large and profound bearing on the society as well as on the process of social change.( Fertility, Mortality, Migration, Population composition etc.)
Technological factors
In contemporary times science and technology happens to be the most important factor of social change. New scientific inventions and technologies always greatly influence the social life.
Political Factors
State is the most powerful organization which regulates the social relationship. It has the power to legislate new laws to bring social change in the society.( Power, Authority, State, Government etc)
Process of social change
- Discovery
- Innovation
- Diffusion
- Acculturation
- Assimilation
- Socialization
- Modernization
- Globalization
- Westernization
- Industrialization
- Migration
- Modern education
- Enculturation
Conflict Approach to Social Change
- Nature is always changeable. It is never at rest. So, change is a universal fact.
- Conflict approach is a macro- oriented paradigm in sociology that views society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and social change.
- Conflict theory sees social life as a competition and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality.
- Karl Marx is considered the father of social conflict theory.
- Society: “arena of social inequality= Creates class conflict = create social change”
- Karl Marx: “Mode of production= Class division: Class conflict= social change”