Formatted I/O functions are used to take various inputs from the user and display multiple outputs to the user. These types of I/O functions can help to display the output to the user in different formats using the format specifiers. These I/O supports all data types like int, float, char, and many more.
Why they are called formatted I/O?
These functions are called formatted I/O functions because we can use format specifiers in these functions and hence, we can format these functions according to our needs.
The following formatted I/O functions will be discussed in this section-
- printf()
- scanf()
- sprintf()
- sscanf()
1. printf()
The printf() function is the most used function in the C language. This function is defined in the stdio.h header file and is used to show output on the console (standard output).
This function is used to print a simple text sentence or value of any variable which can be of int, char, float, or any other datatype.
and the program will print the content of the string to the screen.
You can print the value of a variable, and it’s a bit tricky because you need to add a special character, a placeholder, which changes depending on the type of the variable. For example we use %d for a signed decimal integer digit:
Int age = 25;
Printf(“Myage is %d”, age);
We can print more than one variable by using commas:
Int age_yesterday = 36;
Int age_today = 37;
Printf(“ Yesterday my age was %d and today is %d”, age_yesterday, age_today);
There are other format specifiers like %d:
- %c for a char
- %s for a string
- %f for floating point numbers
- %p for pointers
and many more.
We can use escape characters in printf(), like \n which we can use to make the output create a new line.
2. scanf()
scanf() function is used to read/input values of variables using the standard input device such as keyboard. This function is used to get a value from the user running the program, from the command line.
We must first define a variable that will hold the value we get from the input:
Int age;
Then we call scanf() with 2 arguments: the format (type) of the variable, and the address of the variable:
scanf(“%d”, &age);
If we want to get a string as input, remember that a string name is a pointer to the first character, so you don’t need the & character before it:
char name[20];
scanf(“%s”, name);
Here’s a little program that uses both printf() and scanf():
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char name[20];
printf(“Enter your name: “);
scanf(“%s”, name);
printf(“you entered %s”, name);
3. sprintf()
sprintf stands for “string print”. This function is similar to printf() function but this function prints the string into a character array instead of printing it on the console screen.
sprintf(array_name, “format specifier”, variable_name);
4. sscanf():
sscanf stands for “string scanf”. This function is similar to scanf() function but this function reads data from the string or character array instead of the console screen.
sscanf(array_name, “format specifier”, &variable_name);