State and explain three managerial roles as identified by Henry Mintzberg

Maya Moha Maya Moha 1 year ago Principle of Management

1 Answers

This question have the following answers.

Rajiv Shah Rajiv Shah 5 months ago

Henry Mintzberg, a renowned management scholar, identified ten managerial roles, which he grouped into three categories: interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. Here’s a summary of three key roles he described:

1. **Interpersonal Roles**:

  - **Figurehead**: As a figurehead, a manager performs ceremonial duties and represents the organization in various capacities. This role involves symbolic activities like attending social functions, signing legal documents, and other actions that demonstrate the organization’s presence and prestige.

2. **Informational Roles**:

  - **Monitor**: In the monitor role, a manager gathers and analyzes information from various sources to stay informed about the organization’s environment and operations. This involves actively seeking out data and trends that can impact the organization and ensuring that they are used for informed decision-making.

3. **Decisional Roles**:

  - **Entrepreneur**: As an entrepreneur, a manager is responsible for initiating and overseeing projects and innovations that drive the organization’s growth and adaptation. This role involves recognizing opportunities, developing new strategies, and leading initiatives to improve organizational performance.

These roles illustrate the diverse and dynamic nature of managerial responsibilities and emphasize the importance of balancing interpersonal, informational, and decisional tasks to effectively lead an organization.

Hope you got this.


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