Literal Comprehension
Tom Benecke did not go to the cinema with his wife. Because he wanted to prepare a report for his boss to read at the week end. This report was a path to reach the top in his organization some time in the distant future. when he open the door for his wife to go, a rush of wind drifted the yellow sheet of paper and it slipped out of the window on the ledge of the eleventh story of the building in NewYork.
This sheet was necessary to prepare the report and it contented the material he had collected by spending two month. Without thinking seriously, he opened the window forcefully and came out on the narrow ledge. To get the paper he moved side ways along the ledge by holding on to the projected bricks. When he bent down to pick up the paper, he saw the whole city bellow and he almost fainted and fall down.
After he picked it up he came back to the window unknowingly. The window was closed and he could not open it. He asked for help, but nobody cared. He could not wait for his wife to return. He had risked his life for a sheet of paper. Finally he broke the window and came in. as he was going to his wife, the paper was drifted again but he laughed at it.
This story might be trying to tell us that ambition is the root of many troubles in life. If people were satisfied with what they got in their life, they would be very-very happy. It may also be interpreted to mean that happy family life is batter than the roll of life.
Critical Thinking
This story has clearly expressed the near-death experience of a person. But the behavior of Tom is exaggerated. how can a person walk on the ledge of the eleventh story? How sane is he? Does ambition make man so mad that he risks his life for such an unimportant thing?
By reading this story I came to know how dangerous ambition is. Although we may not behave like Tom we ignore many risky moment in life. When we are in danger, we realize our foolishness. But the moment we are out of danger,. We forget the risk. This story has clearly brought out human thought less ness.