In the early days of personal computers, the printer you had your eye on may not have worked with your brand of computers. You had to buy a scanner built specifically for your computer. You couldn‘t connect to the Internet unless you had the correct modem for your Internet Service Provider. The evolution we are now experiencing is aiming to fix these problems and make computing ubiquitous anytime, anywhere. IT infrastructure is composed of seven major components that aim to achieve above mentioned goal.
- Computer Hardware Platforms: It includes client machines and server machines, as well as modern main frames produced by Blade Servers are ultrathin servers, intended for a single dedicated application, and are mounted in space-saving racks.
- Operating System Platforms: It includes platforms for client computers, dominated by Windows operating systems, and servers, dominated by the various forms of the UNIX operating system or Operating
Systems are software that manage the resources and activities of the computer and act as an interface for the user.
- Enterprise and Other Software Applications: It includes SAP, Oracle, and PeopleSoft, and middleware software that are used to link a firm's existing application
- Data Management and Storage: It is handled by database management software and storage devices include traditional storage methods, such as disk arrays and tape libraries, and newer network-based storage technologies such as storage area networks (SANs). It is the network that connects multiple storage devices on dedicated high-speed
- Networking and Telecommunications Platforms: It includes Windows server operating systems, Novell, Linux, and UNIX. Nearly all LANs and many wide area networks (WANs) use the TCP/IP standards for
- Internet Platforms: It overlaps with, and must relate to, the firm's general networking infrastructure and hardware and software platforms. Internet- related infrastructure includes the hardware, software and services to maintain corporate Web sites, intranets, and extranets, including Web hosting services and Web software application development tools. A Web hosting service maintains a large Web server, or series of servers, and provides fee-paying subscribers with space to maintain their Web
- Consulting and System Integration Services: Theses are relied on for integrating a firm's legacy systems with new technology and infrastructure and providing expertise in implementing new infrastructure along with relevant changes in business processes, training, and software Legacy systems are generally older transaction processing systems created for mainframe computers that continue to be used to avoid the high cost of replacing or redesigning them.