Geographical analysis allows the study of real-world processes by developing and applying models to illuminate underlying trends in the geographical data and thus make new information available.

A GIS enhances this process by providing tools, which can be combined in meaningful sequences to develop new models. These models may reveal new or previously unidentified relationships within and between data sets, thus increasing our understanding of the real world.

Results of geographical data analysis can be communicated with maps, reports, or both. A map is best used to display geographical relationships whereas a report is most appropriate for summarizing the tabular data and documenting any calculated values. Charts can also be used

Objectives of GIS spatial analysis

Geographic Information Systems is a spatial analysis tool, which is used in the Spatial Analysis to include a spatial perspective.

  • Whereby GIS data description answers the question "where?" GIS data analysis answers the question "why is it there?"
  • GIS Analysis is the process of deriving information from one or more layers of spatial It can involve multiple steps and processes and it is perhaps the most important capability of a GIS.
  • It allows discovering relationships between various spatial data that might not have been apparent otherwise.
  • Spatial analysis is where all the hard work of digitizing, building a database, checking for errors, and dealing with the details of projections and coordinate systems finally pays off in results and better decisions.