Task: Task is the activities with distinct characteristics, which differentiate the jobs from one another and have a distinct purpose.
Jobs: Job is a combined form of similar or closely related It is a building block of the organizational structure.
Position: Position is a level in an organization structure, which determines a person’s duties and degree of responsibilities towards
Occupation: Occupation is a combined form of similar E.g. accountant, teacher etc.
Job Design:
Job design is the process of identifying the content of the job and determining the method of doing it. In other words, designing job means improving the conditions of employees’ participation in the work.
According to Byars, and Rue, “Job design is the process of structuring work and designating the specific work activities of an individual or group of individual to achieve certain organizational objectives.”
Similarly, according to Hackman, “Any activity that involves the alteration of specific job (or independent system of job) with the intent of increasing both the quality of the employees’ work experience and their on -the –job productivity.”
From the above definition, it is clear that job design is not just determining the contents and methods, but to make job motivating, interesting and challenging enough so that individuals ability and the degree of their participation will be increased.
Benefits of Job Design:
Followings are the benefits of job design.
1. Determination of organizational structure:
Organizational structure is made on the basis of the authority responsibility relationship of the activities that are performed in an Determination of the activities is done under job design. Thus, job design helps in designing the overall organizational structure.
2. Motivating the staffs:
Job design not only determines the contents and method of doing job but also focus on determining needs and expectation of employees from the job. Thus, it helps in making a job interesting and challenging which motivates the employees towards work and work
3. Knowledge Upliftment:
Job design focuses on building and increasing the abilities of individuals. The tasks are precisely defined and effective methods are specifically determined under job This helps to understand about the job and its procedure easily.
4. Person-Job fit:
Job design always tries to balance between activities and the skill requires doing those When the employees’ and jobs interest match it helps to improve productivity and ultimately achieve the goals.
5. Better Quality of Work Life:
Better job design ensures the fulfillment of both psychological and physical needs. This further enhances degree of motivation and personal development. Thus, quality of work life (QWL) can be achieved through effective job.
6. Change behavior at work:
Job design focuses on reducing the duplication and repetition of work and work activities by an individual. Instead, it tries to make the work interesting and challenging which decreases the monotony and increases the willingness to perform a job. This helps to change the attitude of workers towards the