Consumer Behavior Syllabus - MBA (PU)

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Course Description

Course objective

The objective of this course is to develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of consumer behavior leading to the ability to apply the knowledge in developing effective marketing strategies. 

Course Description

This course will cover analysis of consumer behavior, foundation of consumer behavior, consumer decision process: high-involvement and low-involvement decisions, consumer motivations, consumer learning, brand loyalty and brand equity, perceptual process, personality, psychographic analysis, attitude formation and change, group influence on consumer behavior, influence of family reference groups, social class, sub-culture and culture, influence of marketing communications on consumer behavior, information diffusion, and models of consumer behavior.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you should:

  • Have an understanding of the role and function of consumer behavior within the discipline of marketing.
  • Have an understanding of the interrelationships between the components of affect and cognition, behavior, environment, and marketing.
  • Be able to recognize the use of concepts and theoretical models of consumer behavior in specific marketing situations as demonstrated using practical examples.
  • Have a practical understanding of ethical practices when making marketing decisions in marketing consumer goods and services.
  • Use practical application of consumer behavior concepts in analysis of cases and problems; and use creative, critical thinking in applying consumer behavior knowledge to develop marketing strategies.

Learning Activities and Procedures

The instructors decide on the teaching methods for this course, which may include lectures, case study, practical problems exercises, article review, project report writing and students’ presentations. The learning activities will be centered on the following activities:

  • Class lectures and discussion on specific study matters.
  • Class presentation and discussion following the presentation.
  • Case analysis and presentation
  • Review of articles.
  • As a major task of the trimester, students are encouraged to work on project in a group and make its presentation at the end of the trimester.
  • Examination (Mid-term and final).

Unit Contents

Course Outline

The classes will be organized into following sections and subsections Students are expected to read the topics prior to the class.

  1. An Introduction to Consumer Behavior
  1. Consumer Behavior
  2. Application of Consumer Behavior
  3. The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
  4. Consumer Behavior theory and models


Text and supplementary Reading:

Solomon, Ch. 1, Consumers Rule

Schiffman, Ch. 1 Consumer Behavior

  1. Consumer as an individual
    1. Perspective on the Self
    2. Personality
    3. Lifestyle

Text and supplementary Reading:

Solomon, Ch. 5 & 6, The Self, and Personality and Lifestyle

Schiffman, Ch 5, Personality and Consumer Behavior

  1. Psychological factors affecting Consumer Behavior
  1. Motivation
  2. Perception
  3. Attitude and Persuasion
  4. Learning and Memory


Text and supplementary Reading:

Solomon, Ch. 4, 2, 3, & 7

Schiffman, Ch. 4, 6, 7 & 8

  1. Consumer Decision Making Process
  2. Consumer as Problem Solvers
  3. Steps in the Decision Making Process
  4. Situational Effects on Consumer Behavior
  5. The Shopping Experience
  6. Post-purchase Satisfaction

Product Disposal

Text and Reference Books

Text and supplementary Reading:

            Solomon, Ch. 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14

            Schiffman, Ch. 10, 11, & 13


  • Consumer Behavior – buying, having and being, Michael R. Solomon, Pearson Education, 9th
  • Consumer Behavior, Leon G. Schiffman, Lesile Lazar Kanuk, Pearson Education, 9th
  • Articles and handouts/ tutorial provided by instructor.

Evaluation Criteria

Following is the break up of the internal assessment for this course. As per the rule of university, internal assessment has been given 60 percent weight in the final grading. The weight is distributed as follows:




1. Attendance/Class Participation


2. Assignments/Case Study/Article Review


3. Group Project Work/Report & Presentation        


4. Mid-tem Exam


5. Final Examination (3 hrs. comprehensive written)




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  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MKT 664
  • Semester Fourth Trimester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 60
  • Credit 2 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary