Emerging Concepts in Management Syllabus - MBA (PU)

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Course Description

Course objective

The objective of the course is to update the students with contemporary concepts in management and its practices in the field of general management in order to incorporate the latest development in the management decision making process forgaining competitive advantage in the organization. This course will be facilitated with cases, articles review & presentation and class room discussion.

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the emerging principles and concepts in management. The course will cover current management theories and practices, managerial roles and responsibilities, investigation and review of historical foundations and approaches, managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, and an understanding of human behavior and the impact of demographic diversity on organizations. The course also defines the basic tasks of the manager in establishing the work environment, making decisions, setting objectives, goals and strategies, allocating resources, and executing programs to assure quality standards.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify and understand the range of factors that influence the experiences of individuals in organisations
  • Understand the nature and role of groups, leadership, power and culture in shaping organisations and the ways in which they function
  • Recognise emergent, contemporary themes, and how these themes are influencing organisations and the people who work within them.
  • Describe & apply a selection of key concepts/theory/frameworks relevant to management;
  • Recognise ethical and social responsibility issues in a business context;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of local, national, and global business contexts.

Learning Activities and Procedures

The instructors decide on the teaching methods for this course, which may include lectures, case study, practical problems exercises, article review, project report writing and students’ presentations. The learning activities will be centered on the following activities:

  • Class lectures and discussion on specific study matters.
  • Class presentation and discussion following the presentation.
  • Review of articles and case study.
  • As a major task of the trimester, students are encouraged to work on project in a group and make its presentation at the end of the trimester.
  • Examination (Mid-term and final).

Unit Contents

Course Outline

The classes will be organized into the following sections and sub-sections:



Text & Supplementary Readings

Lecture Hours


Overview of Emerging Concepts in Management




Importance and Scope of ECM





Cross cultural  management      




Concept of cross cultural management

Issues in cross cultural communication

Strategies for cross cultural management


Ch-4,9, Essential Concepts and Applications Management, Robert Kreitner&MarnataMohapatra,

Ch-6,23Rickky W. Griffin, Management,

Ch-4, Stephen P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Management




Virtual management 




Concept and issues in virtual management

Strategies for managing virtual organization

Virtual presence strategy for organizations

Ch-2, Stephen P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Management,

Virtuality and emotion :Stephen Fineman, Sally Maitlis and NikiPanteli








Concept and issues in empowerment

Empowerment and organizational change

Strategies to in empowering employees


Ch-16, Rickky W. Griffin, Management,

Ch-16, Stephen P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Management








Models of outsourcing

Impact of outsourcing for organizational effectiveness

and competitive advantage

Outsourcing strategies


Is it core or strategic? Outsourcing as a strategic management tool; Denis chamberland
(IVEY business Journal – Jul/Aug 2003), Outsourcing can do do much more than just cut costs; Michael Heric And Bhanu Singh, Forbes magazine



Corporate Governance




Concept and issues

OECD principles in CG


Enron Case Study,

VW: A Case Study in Failed Governance ; John K.S. Wilson



Technology and Innovation       




Concept and issues

Need for Technology and Innovation

Strategies for managing Technology and Innovation in the modern organization


Ch-3, Essential Concepts and Applications Management, Robert Kreitner&MarnataMohapatra,

Ch-13,23 Rickky W. Griffin, Management,

Ch-13, Stephen P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Management



Social entrepreneurship




Concept and issues

Strategies in social entrepreneurship


Social Entrepreneurship in rural India: A small step approach  towards instutional change ; Kate Ganly1

Johanna Mair2



Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence




Concept and Significance of EI and SI


Ch-24, Rickky W. Griffin, Management



Total Credit Hours



Text and Reference Books



Managing 21st Century by Peter F. Drucker

Rickky W. Griffin, Management

Stephen P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Management,

Essential Concepts and Applications Management, Robert Kreitner&MarnataMohapatra

Format: Lecture, discussion, live case studies (discussions of progress reports of students' own organizations), comprehensivepresentations

Requirements: Classroom participation, interim assignments, case/article reviews, presentations.

Reading Materials

The course discusses on various issues that are emerging in the modern day management science and there are some books prescribed for this course are mentioned above. However all the topics cannot be found in the textbooks.Relevant articles will be either provided by the faculty or students are encouraged to find them from various sources and present them in seminar type classes and discuss among themselves and the faculty to develop the understanding of the issues. The students are expected to bring video cases or printed case for presentation. The videos should be no longer than of 15 minutes. They are also required to reflect on the issues they learn during the course through reflection notes which they need to submit as informed by the faculty.  Each student need to write a reflection note on each of the issue discussed.

Other Materials:

  • Articles, Cases and handouts/ tutorial provided by instructor.

Evaluation Scheme

Following is the break-up of the internal assessment for this course. As per the rule of university, internal assessment has been given 60 percent weight in the final grading. The weight is distributed as follows:



1. Attendance/Class Participation


2. Case Study/Article Review& Presentation


3. Reflection Notes and Project report         


4. Internal Exam


5. Final Examination (3 hrs. comprehensive written)





Consulting Hours

Indra Prasad Joshi: Sunday through Friday 1pm – 6pm, or by appointment.

If you are having difficulty learning in this class or having any class-related problems, or just want to see us, we expect to see you in the office during the consulting hours.

Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MGT 541
  • Semester Second Trimester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 60
  • Credit 2 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary