Entrepreneurship and Innovation Syllabus - MBA (PU)

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Course Description

This course is designed to identify and analyze the factors that contribute to the creation of successful new ventures and to highlight the process of creating and managing a new business. This course covers the entrepreneurial process from idea generation to implementation. It looks at how ideas are created, assessed, and implemented. The contents of the course will include fundamental theories of entrepreneurship and characteristics of entrepreneurship, environmental conditions, scanning and evaluations, opportunity recognition, strategic process, business plans for entrepreneurial ventures,, and entrepreneurial leadership and innovation. Intrapreneurship foundation will examine how corporate managers may capture the initiative in trying new ideas and developing internal markets for their business organizations. For this course, readings, cases, and project work will be used as teaching pedagogy.

Unit Contents

Unit 1: Decision to become an Entrepreneur

Session 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Unit 2: Developing Successful Business Ideas

Session 2: Recognizing opportunities and generating ideas

Session 3: Feasibility analysis

Session 4: Industry and competitor analysis

Session 5: Developing and effective business model

Unit 3: Moving from an Idea to an Entrepreneurial firm

Session 6: Preparing the proper ethical and legal foundation

Session 7: Building an New-Venture team

Session 8: Getting Financing or Funding

Unit 4: Managing and Growing an Entrepreneurial Firm

Session 9: Unique marketing issues

Session 10: The importance of Intellectual Property

Session 11: Preparing for and evaluating the challenges of growth

Session 12: Strategies for firm growth

Session 13 & 14: Final Project Presentation

Session 15 & 16: Final Comprehensive Case Presentation

Text and Reference Books

Reading Text Book:

Entrepreneurship: Successfully launching New Ventures, 3rd Edition, Bruce R. Barringer; R. Duane Ireland.


Following is the breakup of the internal assessment for this course. As per the rule of Pokhara University, internal assessment has been given 60 percent weight in the final grading. The weight is distributed as follows:

Evaluation Method



1. Entrepreneurship News Analysis



2.  Final Case Study Presentation



3.  Project Work & Presentation with vodeography



3. Article Review



5 60 Second Elevator Speech



5. Internal Examination



Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MGT 544
  • Semester Fourth Trimester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 60
  • Credit 2 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary