Marketing Management Syllabus - MBA (PU)

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Course Description

Course objective

The objective of this course is to develop an awareness of major marketing problems faced by a variety of organizations, with an emphasis on sound approaches to addressing these problems. The course focuses on the factors influencing marketing decision-making to cultivate proficiency in articulating aspects of the marketing mix, and developing customer-orientated and competitive marketing strategies and plans.

Course Description

The course aims to develop a strategic perspective of students in marketing management. It builds students’ capabilities in analyzing marketing opportunities, developing marketing strategies, and designing implementation plans and programs. This course includes business strategy and sustainable competitive advantage; concept and relevance of strategic market management; analysis of external and internal factors for opportunity identification; formulation of strategy for sustainable competitive advantage; differentiation and positioning strategies; growth and diversification strategies; strategies for the global market; preparation of strategic marketing plan and program formulation; and strategic control.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the concept, its evolution, and marketing mix.
  • Gain knowledge about the emerging trends and challenges of the marketing in this century.
  • Analyze the perspective of consumer behavior in decision making process.
  • Develop the skill in preparation of marketing strategic plan.
  • Understand the role and importance of market segmentation, targeting and positioning
  • Gain insights about pricing strategy.
  • Understand the role channel of distribution and its impact in overall marketing activities.
  • Develop the skill to implement integrated marketing communication mix and understand about mass communication.

Learning Activities and Procedures

The instructors decide on the teaching methods for this course, which may include lectures, case study, practical problems exercises, article review, project report writing and students’ presentations. The learning activities will be centered on the following activities:

  • Class lectures and discussion on specific study matters.
  • Class presentation and discussion following the presentation.
  • Review of articles and case study.
  • As a major task of the trimester, students are encouraged to work on project in a group and make its presentation at the end of the trimester.

Examination (Mid-term and final).

Unit Contents

Course Outline

The classes will be organized into the following sections and sub-sections:



Text & Supplementary Readings

Lecture Hours


Introduction to Marketing and Marketing Mix




Importance and Scope of Marketing

Company Orientation toward the Marketplace (evolution of marketing concepts)

Marketing Mix

Emerging trends and challenges of Marketing in Twenty-First Century

Kotler, Ch. 1, Marketing for the Twenty-First Century




Consumer Behavior (Analyzing Consumer Markets)




Influencing factors of consumer behavior

Decision making process in consumer market

Kotler, Ch. 6, Analyzing Consumer Markets



Marketing Strategic Planning




Marketing and Customer Value

Corporate and Division Strategic Planning

Business Unit Strategic Planning

Kotler, Ch. 2,   Developing Marketing Strategies & Plans



Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning




Levels of market Segmentation

Bases for Segmenting Consumer and Business Markets

Market Targeting

Developing and Communicating a Positioning Strategy

Kotler, Ch. 8, Identifying Segments and Targets,

Kotler, Ch. 11, Crafting the Brand Positioning



Branding, Product Mix and Product Life Cycle




Meaning of Brand Equity;

Building, measuring, and managing Brand Equity

Devising Branding Strategy

Product Life Cycle

Kotler, Ch. 10, Creating Brand Equity




Pricing Strategy




Understanding the Pricing

Setting the Price

Adapting the Price

Initiating and Responding to Price Change

Kotler Ch. 14 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs



Integrated Marketing Channel




Marketing Channels and Value Networks

Channel Design Decision

Channel Management Decision

Channel Integration and Systems

E-Commerce Marketing Practices

Kotler Ch. 15 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels




Integrated Marketing Communications




The Role of Marketing Communication

Developing Effective Communication

Deciding on the Marketing Communication Mix

Sales Promotion, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations

Kotler Ch. 17 Designing and Managing IMC

Kotler Ch. 18 Managing Mass Communication




Total Credit Hours



Text and Reference Books


  • Marketing Management*- A South Asian Perspective, Kotler & Lane, Pearson Education, 13th

Other Materials:

  • Articles, Cases and handouts/ tutorial provided by instructor.

Students are also supposed to actively search and use other Marketing Management books. Journal articles assigned for reading will be discussed in the class.

Evaluation Scheme

Following is the break-up of the internal assessment for this course. As per the rule of university, internal assessment has been given 60 percent weight in the final grading. The weight is distributed as follows:



1. Attendance/Class Participation


2. Assignments/Case Study/Article Review


3. Group Project Work/Report & Presentation        


4. Internal Exam


5. Final Examination (3 hrs. comprehensive written)




Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MKT 561
  • Semester Third Trimester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 60
  • Credit 2 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary