Performance Management Syllabus - MBA (PU)

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Course Description

Course Objective

This course examines the area of performance management, a strategic and integrated process that delivers sustained success to organizations by improving the performance of people who work in them and by developing the capabilities of individual contributors and team. Performance management involves both the manager and employee in identifying and describing essential job functions and relating them to the mission and goals of the organization, developing realistic and appropriate performance standards, giving and receiving feedback about performance, writing and communicating constructive performance evaluations and planning education and development opportunities to sustain, improve or build on employee work performance.

Purpose & Course description

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in managing performance of employees at workplace to enhance the contributions of all employees to organizational effectiveness. This course identifies and defines the role and key concepts of performance management and examines how they are used in management practices particularly to evaluate the performance of individual or group with the result achieved by them. The course covers basic understanding, process, methods & tools used to evaluate performance of staff in order to reward and recognize his/her contribution.

The course deals with the fundamentals of performance management such as, concept, system, needs, objectives, process, its administration, developing methods and tools, performance appraisal cycle, its link with the organizational and individual performance.

Understanding of these concepts is supposed to develop deeper understandings on one very crucial aspect of human resources management – the performance management and its impact on individual and organizational productivity.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course you should be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Performance Management concept, process and objectives.
  • Develop an understanding of why and how the performance of employees to be evaluated and rewarded.
  • Learn various methods and tool used for managing / appraising performance of employees.
  • To identify performance gaps and to develop tools to bridge the performance gaps.


Unit Contents

Course outlines









Chapter - I

Performance management – Introduction & Historical Overview

Definition, characteristics, developments, and guiding principles.




3 hours


Chapter - II

Performance Management Process:

Performance planning, Corporate strategy and its linkage, key result areas (KRA) and key performance indicators (KPI), Agreement on performance expectation and goal setting, Managing performance throughout the year, Reviewing performance, Identifying performance gaps, Developing performance, Rewarding and recognition of performance.




 6 hours



Chapter - III

Performance management administration:

Administration of Performance management process, Developing formats and tools, Performance management cycle, Communication of process and follow ups, Performance development interventions, Role of HR Department, Line Managers Employees and the Top management.




6 hours


Chapter – IV


Performance Appraisal;

What should be evaluated – a result or the means or both? Bench marking and setting performance standard, Preparation for performance appraisal interview, Dos and Don’ts of Performance appraisal, Who should do performance appraisal? Immediate supervisor and immediate supervisor’s supervisor; Peer & subordinate; Rating committee; Self (employee); 360 degree feedback system;, Client feedback.




1 ½ hours


Chapter - V

Performance Appraisal: Methods and System Designs

Various Methods: Graphic Rating Scale; Alternate Ranking Method; Paired Comparison; Force Distribution Method Critical Incident Method; Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS); Management by Objective; 360 Degree Appraisal and Customer feedback system. Balanced Score Card





4 ½ hours


Chapter - VI

Major Error in Performance appraisal:

Ambiguous standards, subjectivity and biasness. Halo effects, recency error, leniency error, central tendency, and Attribution error


3 hours


Chapter - VII

Contemporary Issues in Performance Management:

Recent trend and development in Performance Management practice. Balanced Scored Card. Legal and ethical issues in performance appraisal.



The students will be required either to develop a “Performance Management Process (PMP)” for a company of their choice for their practical exposure to the application of PMP. Report should be submitted one week before the final board examination.

Indicative assessment

Assessment includes projects, article reviews, class presentation, class room reading and discussions.

There will be two examinations. Midterm exam will be of one and half hour. The final exam will be of three hours. The exams will cover course materials and will focus on applying skills learnt.

The evaluation scheme will be as follows:

            Assignments /Projects/Presentation             30%

            Attendance                                                      10%

Pre-Board Exam                                            20%

Final exams                                                    40%

Works load

3 hours work per week (12 weeks in total) plus private study and library work.

Class participation

Each student is expected to attend every class and participate in all activities of the class. This requires your involvement in preparation for the class for participation. You are expected to work in a team helping each other to learn and develop knowledge and skills through mutual learning. You are encouraged to provide continuous feed back to the course instructor for improving the ways to effective learning.

Text and Reference Books

Reference Books:

  • Handbook of Performance Management – Key Strategy and Practical Guidelines, Michael Armstrong. Third Edition
  • Human Resources Management – Gary Dessler & Biju Varkkey, 11th Edition.
  • Performance Management, MACMILAN, India Prem Chandra
  • Performance Management and Appraisal system, ‘HR Tool for Global Competitiveness’, Response Book – SAGE, T.V. Rao,
  • Managing Human Resources, TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, Wayne F. Casio.


Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MGT 675
  • Semester Fourth Trimester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 60
  • Credit 2 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary