Nature of Psychology

  • It is scientific and systematic.
  • Emphasis on search for truth.
  • Believe in cause and effort relationship.
  • Stand for the generalization of the observed result.
  • Help in predicting the future development.

Scope of Psychology:

  • The limits of operation and application.
  • The branches, topics and subject matter with which it deals.

The limits of operation and application.

  • The field of operation and application of the subject psychology is too vast.
  • It studies, describes and explain the behaviors of living organism.
  • Behavior is to be used to include all types of life activities and experience and cognitive explicit, conscious, unconscious, of a living organism. On the other hand, the term living organism is to be employed to all the living species such as caste, color, age, gender, sex, mental/physical state.
  • Finally, Psychology may be needed for the study of the activities and experience of this living organism.

The branches, topics and subject matter with which it deals.

  1. Pure psychology/ Basic psychology/theoretical.
  2. Applied psychology /practical psychology.

Pure psychology:

Pure psychology provides the framework and theory. Its contents deal with the formulation of psychological principals and theories. It suggests various methods and techniques for the analysis, modification and improvement of behaviors.

 Branches of pure psychology

  1. General Psychology;
  2. Abnormal psychology:
  3. Social psychology:
  4. Experimental psychology:
  5. Physiological psychology:
  6. Developmental psychology

Applied/ Practical psychology:

In applied psychology, the theory generated or discussed through pure psychology finds its practical shape.

Branches of Applied/ Practical psychology:

  1. Educational Psychology
  2. Clinical psychology
  3. Industrial psychology
  4. Legal psychology
  5. Military psychology
  6. Political psychology

Industrial / Organizational Psychology:

  • Industrial/ Organizational psychology is concern with the psychology of the workplace.
  • Industrial psychology is a scientific study of employees, workplaces, organizations and organizational behavior.
  • It is also known as ( I-O) psychology. An industrial psychologist contributes by improving the workplaces, satisfaction and motivation level of the employees, and helping overall productivity of the organization.
  • Industrial psychology is a main branch of applied psychology that is concerned with efficient management of an industrial labor force and especially with problems encountered by workers in a mechanized environment.
  • It has the potentiality to contribute to the productivity of industry and business on one hand and achievement greater effectiveness and fulfillment of working on hand on the other.
  • Industrial psychology is the application of psychological principles is that basically they govern the behavior of all the human beings in any situation in life whether in school, home or in business and industry.
  • Individual differences both in physical and psychological characteristics of the individuals from the very basis of industrial psychology.

Where do psychologists work?

Psychologists are employed in a variety of settings. Although the primary sites of employment are private practice and colleges, many psychologists are found in hospitals, clinics, community mental health centers, and counseling centers.