List the major technological and non-technological barriers and limitations to EC.

1 year ago

Technological limitations

1) Need for universal standards for quality security, and reliability.

2) The telecommunications bandwidth may be insufficient, especially for m-commerce, videos, and graphics.

3) Software development tools are still evolving.

4) It is difficult to integrate Internet and EC software with some existing(especially legacy) applications and databases.

5) Special Web servers, which add to the cost of EC.


Non-technological limitations

1) Security and privacy concerns deter customers from buying.

2) Resistance to change

3) Global competition intensifies

4) Many legal and public issues are not resolved or are not clear.

5) It is difficult to measure some of the costs and benefits of EC.

6) Not enough customers. Lack of collaboration along the supply chain.

Dipti KC
Dec 24, 2022
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