State the benefits of cloud computing.

3 years ago
Cloud Computing


The ability of a model to be extended to manage the amount of work growth in an effective manner is called scalability. Cloud-computing resources can be rapidly scaled according to subscribers convenience. If there is a sudden necessity for more computer resources, instead of buying new equipment we can buy additional resources form cloud providers. After the endeavor is over we can stop using those services.


In most cases cloud-computing is free to use. It is very simple that users can easily understand which is the biggest advantage of cloud-computing. It is possible to get our application started instantly.


The service providers are called vendors. Some of the well known vendors are Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM. These providers offer reliable services to their customers.


There are also some risks when using a cloud vendor. But the reputed firms work hard to keep their consumers data safe and secure. They use complex cryptographic algorithms to authenticate users. To make it even more secure we can encrypt our information before storing it in cloud.

Bijay Satyal
Oct 23, 2021
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