Sociology and Economic
- Sociology and economics as social sciences have close relations. Relationship between the two is so close that one is often treated as the branch of the other. According to the Thomas, Economic is, in fact, but one branch of the comprehensive science of sociology………..”
- Economic deals with the economic activities of man. Its studies the structure and function of economic organizations like banks, markets, business firms, corporations etc.
- Both are helpful to each other. Economic relationships bear a close relation to social activities.
- Sociology and economics are mutually helpful
- Social interpretation of economic changes
- Economic interpretations of social changes
Sociology and Psychology
- Both are contributory sciences. Psychology, defined as the study of human behavior. Social psychology serves as a bridge between psychology and sociology. The relationship between social psychology and sociology is so close that Karl pearson asserts that the two are not separate science.
- Interdependence of the Two sciences
- Common topics of interest for both the science
- Social psychology helps to face social problems
- Mutual relationships between two sciences.
Sociology and Political science
- Both are very closely related. Political science deals with the political activities of man. It studies social groups organized under the sovereignty of the state. It studies man as ruler and being ruled.
- Both are so intimately connected as Garner said that the “ political is embedded in the social activities”
- Political activity influences and influenced by the social life of man. In fact, political activities will have no meaning outside the social context.
- Political science is concerned with the state. But sociology also studies state as one of the human associations.
Sociology and Business Management
- Business management is the process of management of different business activities to run the business smoothly. Sociology is the comprehensive the study of social structure, institution, processes, and social change.
- Sociology provides educational background to understand their employees and customers. Business leaders and entrepreneurs having a good knowledge of sociology are able in anticipating customer’s needs and are able to respond to employees’ problems.
- Sociological knowledge helps business leaders and various human resource managers in handling with their customers and employees in their work place.
- Understanding sociology helps every business manager to establish and maintain good public relations.
Industrial Sociology
Industrial Sociology is the study of the motivations and behaviors of people at the workplace. It is that branch of sociology which concern mainly with the industrial relatively man.
It examines the various industrial organization an institution and link with the other organization. Industrial sociology is an apply discipline. It is concerned with the study of human relation and operates in the field industry. It deals with the sociological concept that relevance to industry.
The term industrialization connotes the development of social organizations, generally in nation-states in which large manufacturing enterprises loom large and in which adjunctive legal institutions supporting laissez-faire philosophies of market relationships and providential public and private services grow with them in tandem.
Industrial sociological studies accordingly focus on the "causes" or prerequisites for, the correlates of (in family, community, and other social settings), and the consequences of the industrialization process, largely in social systems governed in accord with eighteenth-century liberalism, with its emphases on the economic rights of property owners and their agents.
Industrial sociology is the sociology of industrial relation and industrial activities of man. It also deals with three different organizations:
- Management organization
- Informal organization of work
- Union organization