Computer Graphics - Questions
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Short Questions
1. Expalin the Z‐Buffer Algorithm for hidden surface removal
2. Derive the transformation matrix for rotation about an arbitrary axis
3. Give the 3‐D Transformation matrix for a) Translation b) Rotation c) scaling
4. Explian Sutherland‐hodgemam algorithm for clipping.
5. What is polygon clipping?
6. Explain Liang‐Barsky line clipping algorithm.
7. What is point clipping and line clipping?
8. Write a short notes on a) Reflection b) shearing transformation.
9. Explain the algorithms for line drawing.
10. What is the difference between Raster and Random scan ?
11. What do you understand by Input/Output devices ?
12. Write a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of a raster display
13. List the operating characteristics for the following display technologies :(a) raster systems (b) vector systems(c) plasma panels (d)LCDs
14. Magnify the triangle with vertices A (0, 0), B (1, 1) and C (5, 2) to twice its size while keeping C (5, 2) fixed.
15. Consider the square A (1, 0), B (0, 0), C (0, 1), D (1, 1). Rotate the square ABCD by 45 degree clockwise about A (1, 0).
16. Find the transformation matrix that transforms the square ABCD whose center is at (2, 2) is reduced to half of its size, with center still remaining at (2, 2). The coordinate of square ABCD are A (0, 0), B (0, 4), C (4, 4) and D (4, 0). Find the co-ordinate of new square.
17. Perform a 45o rotation of a triangle A(0,0, B(1,1), C(5,2) a. About the origin. b. About the point p(-1,-1)
18. Translate the square ABCD whose co-ordinate are A(0,0), b(3,0), C(3,3), D(0,3) by 2 units in both direction and then scale it by 1.5 units in x direction and 0.5 units in y direction.
19. A triangle is defined by Find the transformed coordinates after the following transformation a. 90o rotation about origin. b. Reflection about line y = -x.
20. Derive the homogenous matrices to represent the following transformation
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