Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Questions
Here, you find the chapter wise questions of the Data Mining and Data Warehousing and and also view all the questions of Data Mining and Data Warehousing.
Short Questions
1. What is HOLAP?
2. What is Enterprise Warehouse?
3. What is Data Mart?
4. What are dependent and independent data marts?
5. What is Virtual Warehouse?
6. What is VLDB?
7. What are Research prototypes?
8. What is the difference between generic single-task tools and generic multi-task tools?
9. What are the areas in which data warehouses are used in present and in future?
10. What is DMQL?
11. What are the factors involved while choosing data mining system?
12. What is Text mining?
13. What is spatial data mining?
14. What are the DB Miner tool in data mining?
15. How data mining is used in health care analysis?
16. How data mining is used in banking industry?
17. Explain the types of data mining.
18. What does audio data mining mean?
19. What is OLAP?
20. What is OLTP?
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