Data Structure and Algorithm - Questions
Here, you find the chapter wise questions of the Data Structure and Algorithm and and also view all the questions of Data Structure and Algorithm.
Short Questions
1. Mention one advantage and disadvantage of using quadratic probing.
2. List the limitations of linear probing.
3. What is the need for extendible hashing?
4. What do you mean by rehashing?
5. What do you mean by double hashing?
6. What do you mean by secondary clustering?
7. What do you mean by quadratic probing?
8. What do you mean by primary clustering?
9. What do you mean by linear probing?
10. What do you mean by Probing?
11. What are the types of collision resolution strategies in open addressing?
12. What do you mean by open addressing?
13. Write the disadvantages of separate chaining.
14. Write the advantage of separate chaining.
15. What do you mean by separate chaining?
16. What are the collision resolution methods?
17. What do you mean by collision in hashing?
18. Write the importance of hashing.
19. What do you mean by hash function?
20. What do you mean by hash table?
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