Database Management System - Questions
Here, you find the chapter wise questions of the Database Management System and and also view all the questions of Database Management System.
Short Questions
1. How would you describe a condition in which one attribute is dependent on another attribute when neither attribute is part of the primary key?
2. Why is a table whose primary key consists of a single attribute automatically in 2NF when it is in 1NF?
3. What is a surrogate key, and when should you use one?
4. What three data anomalies are likely to be the result of data redundancy? How can such anomalies be eliminated?
5. What is a partial dependency? With what normal form is it associated?
6. When is a Table in BCNF?
7. When is a table in 3NF?
8. When is a table in 2NF?
9. When is a table in 1NF?
10. What is normalization?
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