OOP Java - Questions
Here, you find the chapter wise questions of the OOP Java and and also view all the questions of OOP Java.
Short Questions
1. In loading programs into memory, what is the difference between load- time dynamic linking and run-time dynamic linking?
2. Write a program to implement all string operations.
3. What is meant by implicit objects and what are they ?
4. What are Expressions ?
5. What are Decalarations ?
6. What are Scriptlets ?
7. What are JSP actions ?
8. What are Directives ? What are the different types of Directives available in JSP ?
9. What are the advantages of JSP ?
10. What are the advantages of JSP ?
11. How are the JSP requests handled ?
12. What is a JSP Page ?
13. What is URL Encoding and URL Decoding ?
14. What’s the difference between sendRedirect and forward methods ?
15. What is HTTP Tunneling ?
16. Which protocol will be used by browser and servlet to communicate ?
17. What is a cookie ? What is the difference between session and cookie ?
18. What is the structure of the HTTP response ?
19. How do you find out what client machine is making a request to your servlet ?
20. What is Servlet Chaining ?
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