There are the Different Types of Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence (AI) As described by Howard Gardner, an American developmental psychologist, the Intelligence comes in multi fold.

Types of Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    1. Linguistic intelligence
    2. Musical intelligence
    3. Logical-mathematical intelligence
    4. Spatial intelligence
    5. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
    6. Intra-personal intelligence
    7. Interpersonal intelligence
    8. Naturalist Intelligence
    9. Spatial Intelligence

Types of Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Types of Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

1) Linguistic intelligence

Ability to speak, recognize and use mechanisms of phonetics (speech sounds), syntax (grammar), and semantic (meaning). Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human capacity and is obvious in poets, novelists, journalists and effective public speakers. Young adults with such intelligence have fun writing, reading, telling stories or making crossword puzzles.

For Example: Narrators, Orators

2) Musical intelligence

The ability to understand, understand and understand the meaning of sound, pitch, meaning made from rhythm. This intelligence enables you to recognize, create, reproduce and reflect music as shown by music, music, singer, singer and sensitive listeners. Carefully, music and emotions often have an effective connection. And mathematical and music intelligence can share common thinking process.

For Example: Musicians, Singers, Composers

3) Logical-mathematical intelligence

In the absence of verbs or objects, the use of relationships and the ability to understand. Understanding complex and abstract ideas. It enables us to see relationships and relationships and use an abstract, symbolic idea; Sequential logic skills; And inductive and deductive thinking patterns.

For Example: Mathematicians, Scientists

4) Spatial intelligence

The ability to visualize or view spatial information, change it, and recreate the scene pictures without reference to objects, create 3D images and move them and rotate them.

For Example: Map readers, Astronauts, Physicists

5) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence

Ability to control the problems or the ability to use full or part of the body to solve fashion products, control fine and obsolete motor skills and manipulate objects. This wisdom involves understanding of time and completeness of skill through union of mind-body. People athlete, dancer, surgeon, and craft perform well-developed physical kinetic intelligence.

For Example: Players, Dancers

6) Intra-personal intelligence

The ability to differentiate between one's own emotions, intentions and motivations. Interpersonal intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition. It is clear in psychological, spiritual leaders and philosophers. These young adults may be shy. They are very aware of their feelings and are self-motivated.

For Example: Gautam Buddha

7) Interpersonal intelligence

The ability to distinguish between other people's emotions, beliefs and intentions. Teachers, social workers, actors and politicians perform all interpersonal knowledge. Young adults with this kind of wisdom are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and understand the feelings and motives of others.

For Example: Mass Communicators, Interviewers

8) Naturalist Intelligence

Naturalist intellect demonstrates the human potential of discriminating between the living things (plants, animals) as well as the other characteristics of the natural world (cloud, rock configuration). This capability was evident in our evolutionary past as predators, collectors and farmers; It is central to roles such as botanist or chef. It also exploits our consumer society natural nature intelligence, which can be motivated in discrimination between the type of car, sneaker, series, and such as.

9) Spatial Intelligence

Spatial intelligence has the ability to think in three dimensions. Mental capabilities in key capabilities, local logic, image manipulation, graphic and art skills, and active imagination. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects exhibit all local intelligence. Young adults with such an intellect can be enticed with fun or jigsaw puzzle, or can spend drawing time or daydreams.