The following factors encourage moving over to DDBMS
Factors Encouraging Distributed Database System
1. Distributed Nature of Organizational Units
Most organizations in the current times are subdivided into multiple units that are physically distributed over the globe. Each unit requires its own set of local data. Thus, the overall database of the organization becomes distributed.
2. Need for Sharing of Data
The multiple organizational units often need to communicate with each other and share their data and resources. This demands common databases or replicated databases that should be used in a synchronized manner.
3. Support for Both OLTP and OLAP
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) work upon diversified systems which may have common data. Distributed database systems aid both these processing by providing synchronized data.
4. Database Recovery
One of the common techniques used in DDBMS is replication of data across different sites. Replication of data automatically helps in data recovery if database in any site is damaged.
Users can access data from other sites while the damaged site is being reconstructed. Thus, database failure may become almost inconspicuous to users.
5. Support for Multiple Application Software
Most organizations use a variety of application software each with its specific database support. DDBMS provides a uniform functionality for using the same data among different platforms.