Organizational Behaviors and Leadership Syllabus - MBA (PU)

View and download full syllabus of Organizational Behaviors and Leadership

Course Description

Course Objective

  • Define organizational behavior and explain how and why it determines the effectiveness of an organization
  • Appreciate why the study of organizational behavior improves a person’s ability to understand and respond to events that take place in a work setting
  • Differentiate between the three levels at which organizational behavior is examined
  • To encourages students to change their behavior as and if necessary.

Course description

The course deals with the concept of OB and leadership, values, attitudes, perception, personality, learning, motivation, group and group dynamics, team work, communication, leadership, power and politics, conflict and negotiation, organizational culture, and organizational change and development.

Understanding of these concepts is supposed to develop deeper understandings on human psychology and its impact on individual and group behavior of employees in organizational setting. The understanding helps to enhance organizational efficiency, effectiveness and create an environment of openness and trust so that people feel better environment at their workplace.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course you should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of OB and leadership and its importance in competitive business world.
  • Develop an understanding of how people will be motivated, how they learn, how their perception and personality affect their behavior.
  • Learn how groups are formed in organizations, formal and informal groups and their role in making organizations function well.
  • Know what organizational culture is and how it affects people’s behavior.
  • Will be able to develop the knowledge of need for change in organization and its continuous development and the ways to make this happen in the organization.

Teaching Philosophy

  • My teaching philosophy is that a class in organizational behavior should not only teach relevant theories in the discipline, but also provide you with an environment to practice these concepts. Specifically, this class is an opportunity to develop yourself and to learn how to manage your relationships with others in a work setting.
  • Team project includes a major portion of your grade, because it is unlikely that in this complex, team-oriented, project management work climate that you will not end up on a team in your career. Team projects are useful because they are opportunities to learn about conflict, diversity, and creativity.
  • The class is discussion based because if you can not effectively present your good ideas, or are unwilling to do so, how will your future bosses ever know you have any.  Being able to effectively speak up could make the difference on whether you get that promotion or not.
  • I provide the structure and guide the content. You are responsible for reading assignments, preparing for discussions, participating in class, and meeting your deadlines.  Ultimately, through the course content, active participation in class, and integration of course concepts to cases, in-class exercises, and the team project I hope to provide the opportunity for you to apply your learning in a manner that will make you well prepared to enter your first job and be successful.

Unit Contents

Course outlines




Lect. hrs.

Class modality


Briefing on Course objectives, Course description, Learning outcome, and Teaching Philosophy





Introduction - Concepts, levels of understanding OB, basic assumptions of OB, contributing disciplines to OB

Stephen Robbins Chapter 1


AudiovisualIntroduction to OB


Emerging trends and critical behavioral issues, Project team formation and instructions

Stephen Robbins Chapter 1




Foundations of Individual Behavior - biographical characteristics, ability, Learning

Stephen Robbins Chapter 2


Audio Visual: Steve Job’s Stanford Commencement speech


Values, attitudes and job satisfaction: Importance and types of values, types of attitudes, cognitive dissonance

Stephen Robbins Chapter 3,



Audio Visual: Kids react to gay marriage


Review Test 1 – Previous Topics



Tuesdays or Wednesdays project hours


Personality & Emotions: personality determinants, traits, major personality attributes influencing OB

Stephen Robbins Chapter 4,





Emotions and its impact on works

Stephen Robbins Chapter 4,


Case study: Should You Address a Colleague’s Erratic Behavior?


Perception & Attribution: factors influencing perception, person perception, perceptual sets in organizational settings

Stephen Robbins Chapter 5


Game: Perception


Attribution theory and decision makings

Stephen Robbins Chapter5, Attribution Theory




Motivation, Theory, and Application:Need theories, Reinforcement theory

Stephen Robbins Chapter 6/7




equity, expectancy, goal setting theory

Stephen Robbins Chapter6/7


Audio Visual: Two monkeys were paid unequally


Job performance model, job characteristics model, cognitive evaluation theory

Stephen Robbins Chapter7




Application of motivational concepts in organizations.

Stephen Robbins Chapter 7




Foundations of Group Behavior - stages of group development, group structures: roles, norms, status, size

Stephen Robbins Chapter 8




group decision making, formal and informal groups

Stephen Robbins Chapter 8




team and team work, types of teams, creating effective teams

Stephen Robbins Chapter 9


Article review: Secret of great teamwork


Review Test 2 – Previous Topics





Leadership: Power, trait theories, leadership prototypes, gender and leadership, behavioral theories

Stephen Robbins Chapter 11

Going Beyond Twentieth Century



Article review:The real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs


Contingency theories, path goal theory, leader member exchange model

Stephen Robbins Chapter 11




Contemporary issues in leadership: transactional, transformational leadership shared leadership, servant leadership, level 5 leadership

Stephen Robbins Chapter 12




Organizational culture: concept, role, creating and sustaining culture, how employees learn culture

Stephen Robbins Chapter 18


Article review: Culture is not culprit


Organizational change and development: concept, forces of change, resistance to change, approaches to managing change

Stephen Robbins Chapter 19




Organization development: concept, objectives and goals, OD interventions, learning organization

Stephen Robbins Chapter 19




Review Test 3 – Previous Topics





Communication: communication process, oral versus written communication, barriers to effective communication, impact of technology

Stephen Robbins Chapter10


Audio Visual: Girl who silenced the world for five minutes

Case Study: Should he be fired for that facebook post?


Conflict: task, relationship, and process conflict, five conflict-handling intentions.

Stephen Robbins Chapter14

Understanding conflict…




Stress: Personal and organizational causes of stress, managing stress

Stephen Robbins Chapter19




There will be three examinations besides review tests. Midterm exam will be of one and half hour. The internal and final exam will be of three hours. The exams will cover course materials and will focus on applying skills learnt.

The evaluation scheme will be as follows:

Assignments /Class tests/Term paper                      15%

Projects/Presentation                                               10%

Attendance/Behavior                                                5%

Review of articles and case analysis                        10%

Midterm exam                                                           20%

Final exams                                                                40%

Work load

3 hour work per week (12 weeks in total) plus private study and library work.

Term Paper Due – August 26 (Friday)

Project Report Due– 3rd October 2016

Project Out Line

Formation of the team         Questionnaire development         Survey        Data Analysis         Report       Presentation

Text and Reference Books

Basic Text Book: Organizational Behavior,Stephen P Robbins (tenth edition)

Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code MGT 542
  • Semester Second Trimester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 60
  • Credit 2 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary