Principles of Management Syllabus - BBA-BI (PU)
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Course Description
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad and integrative introduction to the theories and practice of management. In particular, this course focuses on the major areas of the management process: planning, organizing, leadership and control from an organizational viewpoint. The course also attempts to enable students to understand the role, challenges, and opportunities of management in contributing to the successful operations and performance of organizations.
Course Description
This course presents a thorough and systematic coverage of management theory and practice, and focuses on the basic roles, skills and functions of management, with special attention to managerial responsibility for effective and efficient achievement of goals. Special attention is given to communication, motivation, leadership, team management, quality management, conflict management, and organizational change and development.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- understand fundamental concepts and principles of management, including the basic roles, skills, and functions of management;
- demonstrate knowledge about the historical development, theoretical aspects, and emerging trends and developments in management;
- conceptualize how internal and external environment shape organizations and their responses;
- analyze organizational goals, planning systems, organizational structures, staffing practices, and conflict management strategies of an organization;
- examine the interpersonal talents a manager must develop to be effective as a leader and change agent;
- discuss various concepts and approaches to decision making, leadership, employee motivation, management control, work group behavior, and quality management.
Unit Contents
Course Contents
Unit I: The Nature of Management 10 hours
Introduction to Management: Definition; Characteristics of management; Principles of management; Process and functions of management; Managerial hierarchy and levels; Managerial Skills and roles; Emerging issues and challenges for management.
Management Theories: The classical, behavioural, management science, systems, contingency, and contemporary perspectives on management.
The Environmental Context of Management: Concept; Organization-environment interface; Types and components of organizational environment; Emerging business environment in Nepal.
Unit II: Planning and Decision Making 7 hours
Organizational Goal Setting and Planning: Organizational goals – purpose and functions; The planning function – planning system, methods, types, and steps in the planning process; Concept of strategic planning - situational analysis; Tools to aid strategic planning.
Managerial Decision Making: Concept; The decision making process; Types and conditions of decision making; Group decision making; Techniques to aid decision making.
Unit III: Organizational Structure and Staffing 10 hours
Organizational Structure and Design: Principles, process, and approaches to organizing; Organizational design – major types; Departmentation; Authority, power and responsibility; Delegation and decentralization of authority; Informal organization; Emerging concepts in organizing and design.
Staffing: Concept, objectives, importance and components of staffing; Human resource management system.
Unit IV: Mobilizing Individuals and Groups 11 hours
Leadership: Concept and functions; Leadership versus management; Qualities of good leadership; Leadership traits and styles; Approaches to leadership.
Managing Work Teams: Concept, importance, types, and formation of work groups; Team management – concept, types and strategy for effective team management; Organizational conflicts – concept, types, and sources; Conflict management strategies and techniques.
Employee Motivation: Concept and types; Theories of Maslow and Herzberg; Techniques of employee motivation.
Interpersonal and Organizational Communications: Concept and purpose; Communication network and process; Communication flows; Types of communication; Barriers to effective communication; Enhancing organizational communication.
Unit V: Management Control System 5 hours
Control System: Concept, types and process; Features of effective control; Managing information for effective control; Techniques of control.
Quality Management: Concept and principles; Quality control – concept and methods; Total Quality Management – concept and techniques; Factors affecting control; Deming management; Emerging quality management issues and challenges.
Unit VI: Organizational Change and Development 5 hours
Organizational Change: Concept; Forces for change – internal and external; Need for planned change; Process of planned change; Resistance to change; Causes of resistance; Overcoming resistance to change; Implementing and monitoring the change process.
Organizational Development: Concept, objectives, key benefits, OD activities and process.
Text and Reference Books
Basic Texts
- Robbins, S. P., & DeCenzo, A. D. Fundamentals of Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
- Pant, P. R. Principles of Management. Kathmandu: Buddha Academic Enterprises.
- Griffin, R. W. Management. New Delhi: AITBS Publishers and Distributors.
- Bateman, T.S. & Snell, S.A. Management: Competing in the New Era. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
- Weihrich, H., Cannice, M. V. & Koontz, H. Management: A Global Perspective. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
- Short Name N/A
- Course code MGT 111
- Semester Second Semester
- Full Marks 100
- Pass Marks 45
- Credit 3 hrs
- Elective/Compulsary Compulsary